Chapter 37- Why Is That?

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*Trigger Warning -> self-harm

December 8th, 2013:

I'm awoken by Yoona's phone ringing.

"Hello?" a tired Yoona answers the phone, rubbing her eyes open.

"Wow, ok. So, he's taking the first plane back?" she asks the person on the other end, "ok, yeah, we'll let them know.... Yes, I'll make sure they're ready to leave on time. Will you meet us at the airport? Oh ok, that works. I'll keep you up to date on our end. Good, thanks, talk later".

She puts her phone down and lets herself fall back onto her pillow letting out a breath. I notice the other two staff members were also woken up by her conversation and were looking at Yoona intently.

"Who's taking the first plane back?" one of them questions.

"Yoongi," answers Yoona, "his appendix burst," she says looking at me.

"What? What does that mean?" I ask, not knowing if that was a really serious thing or not.

"It's when the organ near your intestines bursts because of infection. It's no wonder he looked like he was in a lot of pain, it's extremely painful to endure. I'm impressed he wasn't showing more signs of pain honestly," Yoona explains.

"And he's flying back? Why can't the doctors here do something about it?" I ask finding it strange, if not reckless, to leave him in this pain for a whole flight needlessly.

"Well... he's covered by Korean health care in Korea and it's cheaper for us," she replies truthfully, "and I'm sure if it was something really serious, the doctors here would have done what was required and not have allowed him to get the surgery in Korea".

"Yeah, the company as well wouldn't want to put him in undo pain. I'm sure he's been given painkillers. Don't worry too much," adds one of the staff.

But all I could do was worry. How was he doing? Was he going alone? When was he going to get looked at in Korea?

"So he has a surgery scheduled in Korea? Is Sejin-oppa going with him?" I question.

"Yes to both. He's in good hands Y/N, I understand you're worried, I am too, but don't stress yourself out too much, it doesn't help you, or Yoongi" Yoona instructs, "you'll be able to see him later today don't worry".

I nod slowly.

"What time is it?' asks one of the staff.

"6:43," Yoona answers, "let's go back to sleep. Beomsoo is in charge of letting the boys know and our flight isn't till 12:30".

"I don't think I'll be able to sleep. I'm going to go to the gym," I say getting up from the bed and getting leggings and a loose top from my suitcase.

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