Chapter 16- 100 Day Special Part 2

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Author's Note at the End :)

September 20th, 2013:

Coffee ended and Yoongi was back in DJ mode.

"I hope you all enjoyed those stories. There were actually some far scarier and bolder stories, but I sifted through them all and decided on these three," says Yoongi, "mostly cuz most of them weren't funny at all," he adds staring at Jimin as he says that.

"It wasn't only mine, other people's stories weren't funny as well!" retorts Jimin.

"Whatever you want to believe Jimin," answers Yoongi smiling and looking down at his script looking at what segment was next.

"You are listening to Honey FM 06.13, and we will now be listening to an audio message from a special voice cast who wants to say something to us personally," Yoongi announces.

"Really?" says Seokjin.

"I wonder who?" questions Hoseok.

"I heard the production crew recorded it without motive and this person was not aware of the recording," states Yoongi.

"Oooooo," we all shout and clap excitedly as the recording started.

"Your habit of going to the toilet just before the recording starts or when you're on 2-minute standby, going to the toilet one after another, please throw away that habit, PLEASE!" shouts the voice of one of our managers, "I'll give you some delicious foods, just don't eat behind my back, PLEASE!" continues the manager, and the recording finishes with him yelling, "Don't just ignore anything that you don't want to hear, PLEASE! Answer me when I'm talking, PLEASE!"

We all laugh when the recording ended.

"Honestly, the last words are exactly what I wanted to say to Jungkook," admits Namjoon.

"Well, I wanted to say his first words to you Namjoon," comments Seokjin chuckling.

I laugh knowing that it was not only directed to Namjoon, but also to me. It so happened that our comeback, and later stages for our debut aligned with my periods, and I always rushed to the bathroom to do the typical period things before performing to ensure no catastrophes happened. However, I think the managers understood why I did it and so didn't get as upset about it as when Namjoon did it.

Suddenly, I see the tapestry behind Yoongi with our name on it had fallen on one side and got up to help Tae and Jungkook hang it back up, but quickly remembered that I had to keep my abs covered and sat back down, arms back around my stomach to cover it.

"That was some hectic few seconds, the sign falling, some very truthful words..." Yoongi brings us back together, "but we still love our managers. We'll try not to go to the toilet before the recording starts. We will try not to eat behind your backs, and we'll try to take in everything that you say"

We all clap and nod in agreement.

"Truthfully, there a few members where this applies to more than others. For example, Jungkook," Yoongi adds, patting Jungkook's shoulder.

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