Chapter 33- 2013 MMA Red Carpet

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November 4th, 2013:

We were in the vans heading to the award show. Yoona had stayed with me throughout the rest of the makeup process, helping to distract my brain from constantly thinking about the makeup artist's hand near my face. The hardest part was when she started putting makeup on my lips. I kept having to take deep breaths and hold my hands together to calm myself down. But I didn't want to make it obvious or have another run-away moment, which made staying calm even harder. Yoona noticed right away and put my hand in hers, squeezing it hard to let me know she was there to support me, and that I was safe. Jungkook had also come and started discussing how he thought AoT and Haikyuu should develop. He would also act out some of his favourite moments, which lightened my mood and distracted me much more than words could. It was as if I was a 2-year-old getting their hair cut really.

Overall, however, one never really thinks about how mentally draining trying to be even just "ok" is, but I was already tired, and we weren't even at the award show.

We arrive and are guided to the same parking lot as yesterday. As soon as I was out of the car, Seokjin wrapped his arm around me protectively.

"I'll be fine Seokjin-oppa. I can walk past it by myself today," I whisper to him since there were other artists and staff around.

"You might be fine, but I'm not. I need to know you're safe," he whispers back continuing to walk with me.

I smile, but feel sad that I'm only now realising just how hard this must be on the boys too.


We were going over our performance in the changing room we had been assigned. We still had roughly 30 minutes to wait until we were to go on the red carpet. We would be one of the first groups to go since we were rookies.

After running through how and when the adlibs would occur, I went to the bathroom one last time before having to truly start the night and have to do things like socialise and perform.

As I walk past changing rooms with various groups and actors in them and staff and artists mingling in the hall, I hear someone call out my name.

"Y/N! Lee Y/N!" I hear shouting.

I turn around trying to see who shouted my name and see IU coming out of her room.

"It's Lee Y/N right? She asks walking up to me.

"Uh, yes, yes, it is," I answer a little startled she knew my name, let alone called out to me.

"How are you doing today?" she questions, genuine concern on her face.

"Better. I'm doing better, thank you for asking and showing concern," I respond bowing slightly.

"Ready for your performance? I know I'm looking forward to it," she says smiling, "I looked up your group and you guys have so much energy and passion. I love it".

Holy sh*t! She looked us up? She had listened to our music!? And she liked it! I couldn't stop myself from beaming and blushing at the compliments.

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