Chapter 34- 2013 MMA Performance

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Author's Note at the End :)

November 4th, 2013:

We only got to sit and enjoy the first two performances, including Sistar's performance which I thoroughly enjoyed. I watched their every move and tried to see just where they got their charisma, charm, and confidence from so I could maybe add them to my repertoire. Towards the end of their performance, however, a staff member came to get us. We rushed backstage to our changing room to put on our No More Dream outfits. From short skirt to short shorts. I was glad I got to put on sneakers. For someone that wasn't used to heels in the slightest, my feet were starting to hurt, and were relieved to be back in the squishy surroundings of sneakers.

"Remember, keep some distance between each other and be spread out during the second performance," Namjoon reminds us once I was back from changing next door.

"And make your movements big in No More Dream. Jungkook and Taehyung, you often become shy, go big, be dramatic," adds Hoseok.

Everyone just nods in reply. We were all so nervous, this was probably our biggest performance so far, not counting our debut of course. As soon as everyone was changed, and their makeup had been touched up, we were rushed to the wings backstage to be on standby.

"Show them what we can do. Don't be afraid, we're Bangtan Sonyeondan for god's sake!" Namjoon says hyping us up as we got the red light to go on.

"All in," Namjoon shouts. We all put our fingers in the center and shout Bangtan before going to our place on the stage, Namjoon, Jimin, Hoseok, and Seokjin sliding down from the lifts on the stage, and the rest of us appearing from backstage.

The first part of the performance went smoothly. I grew hot and tired by the dance break but pushed through. The hardest part was getting back up from the Jimin-Jungkook domino move. As Hoseok had reminded us, I went into a really dramatic fall, but it resulted in my knee smashing into the ground quite hard and my already tired body wanted to just stay on the ground. Everyone was focused on their own dancing and singing I didn't think anyone had noticed I had been one beat late after the domino move from getting up late, well expect maybe Hobi had since he always seemed to know everything that occurred in our performances. I kept reminding myself I just had to push through this portion and the second part was practically a breeze in comparison. I also had to have enough energy to do the finishing ad-libs with Jimin. Managing my already little amount of energy was challenging, but I felt like I had done a decent job all things considered. Whether the managers, or even Hoseok, would agree was a different story.

It was Yoongi and Namjoon I was more worried about however, they had a lot of rapping to do after such an intense performance. And some of that rapping wasn't our song, messing it up just wasn't an option. However, they seemed to be taking it in their stride. This was what they truly wanted to do after all.

The second performance was underway, and I was doing my job of moving with the beat and filling gaps in the stage. Towards the beginning, we joined with the two senior rappers to finish their song and end the stage with Attack on Bangtan.

I had barely interacted with the senior rappers. I had been there for the group introductions and was obviously there for the rehearsal, but personal interactions were at zero between me and them.

When Attack on Bangtan started, the two senior rappers went out of the center to give Yoongi and Namjoon the spotlight. One of them joined me on the left-hand side of the stage with Seokjin and Hoseok. As we were jumping to the first beats of the song, he put his arm around my shoulders and jumped along with me. As meaningless and harmless as the act was, after what I had gone through yesterday and the fact I did not know him in the slightest, I was extremely uncomfortable. When the initial beats ended and we stop jumping up and down, I smoothly moved away, shrugging his arm off. I get back in my groove, mouthing the words and dancing with Jungkook, but when I move away from Jungkook because it was his lines, the veteran was back behind me. He was so close that when I turned to keep moving about the stage, I bumped into his chest and staggered backward slightly. He didn't seem too bothered by this and smiled at me while helping me gain my balance and holding my wrist.

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