Chapter 22- Over It

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October 17th, 2013:

We had four fan meetings in 2 days organised around the country. We were doing one in Daejeon in the early morning and then Daegu in the afternoon. Tomorrow we were going to Ulsan and Busan. We would then go back to Seoul for a Birthday Party gathering.

We had finished our first day of fan meetings and it had gone amazingly as usual. Meeting with fans always reminded me why I do this, to make people happy. It also reminded me who I do it for. I really needed to stop spending so much time thinking about why people hated me and more time appreciating those that love me. I knew I had fewer major fans than any of the boys, even Hoseok that for some reason barely got any fan letters for some reason (I got none...), but at fan meetings, all the fans that came up were always very enthusiastic and positive. I may not be ARMY's favourite, but none of them hated me outwardly either.

I was in my hotel room with Yoona. The boys all shared rooms, 4 of them to one room and 3 of them in another, but of course, I couldn't share with them. I was stuck with Yoona. It's not that I don't like her, I do, but she is slightly older than me and is all about responsibility and organisation... which for a 15-year-old that is constantly surrounded by rules and regulations is no fun. The boys always talk about the fun they have together in their rooms, but I'm stuck with Yoona talking about the next week's schedules and the news of the week. I was now up to date on the partial government shutdown in the United States, the cyclone that had hit India earlier in the week that sadly killed 18 people, and that Gravity beat Captain Phillips at the box office, earning $44.3 million. The last one Yoona thought was such a sham because she loved Tom Hanks' performances in Captain Phillips apparently.

"I'll admit I haven't seen Gravity, but Captain Phillips was so well made, and the story..." Yoona says gushing.

"Can I go to the boys' room?" I interrupt, getting bored of listening to her speak of a movie I didn't even realise had come out after just having sat through her explaining American politics. Honestly, I don't understand why Yoona had this job, her intelligence and interests were just incredible.

"Why? It's 10:30? You should be sleeping anyway, long day tomorrow," she questions.

"But unnie! It's only 10:30! I'm usually in bed at like 2am at the earliest! The boys are probably having fun in their rooms right now and I'm... well..." I stop, trying not to upset the person that had the power to let me leave.

"You're what? Stuck with me? Am I really that bad?" she asks chuckling.

"No! No, not at all. It's just... it sucks I can't be there to have fun with the boys and I don't... I don't know, I don't get to have the same experience they're getting," I pout sitting on the bed.

"I get it Y/N, I really do, but it is late and Sejin-oppa would kill me if I let you leave. We, and you, are on a short rope right now. We need everything to stay perfect," she answers sadly.

"But no one will know! It's not like there are photographers or fans out there," I argue.

"There might be. Use tonight to catch up on some sleep ok. Or I can fill you in on the Syrian conflict? 7 red cross workers were kidnapped this week," she adds, expecting me to huff and complain more, "and you also have to finish writing your letter to ARMY".

BTS Eighth Member | The Life: Year 2013Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin