I was going over the intake of two new residents when a knock at my door came. I looked up seeing my best friend Asia smiling at me goofy. She was an STNA, I tried to talk her into nursing but she said she didn't want the pressure of being a nurse. We meet each other when we were 17 in the same STNA training class and just clicked. I was an STNA for a year before I decided I wanted more. Asia just liked the pace and the work and she didn't want to do anything else.

"What you want" I chuckled

"We're short 3 aides downstairs in Long Term"

"Short? Didn't we just hire 4 people?"

"2 are on night shift, another one day off is today, and the other didn't show up today"

I rubbed my forehead "I feel like I should've known that"

"You just started a month ago Aurora, you're being too hard on yourself. Most D.O.N's don't even care enough to even know how many new hires there are." She leaned against the doorway "You want me to-"

"No" I shook my head "Let me go put my scrubs on and I'll be down there in a second"

"What about the intakes?"

"I'll bring my laptop down and do it. Can you just make sure to get an inventory count on the other one?"

"I got you"

"Mommy, can I help?" Enya said while sitting on the counter of the nurse's station "I'm bored"

"Did you do your homework?" I asked while charting my hall's vitals and dinner intake.

"I did"

"Go ask Auntie Asia to check it"

"Okay" She went in her book bag and grabbed her homework and ran down the hall. She stopped at a call light and turned to look at me "Can I answer it, it's Mrs.Ramy?"

"Go for it baby"

"Hi, Mrs.Ramy-"

I smiled and shook my head finishing up my last charting. I looked at the time and saw it was 6:45.

Still no calls or messages from Curtis.

"No phones on the floor Aurora" I jumped up and rolled my eyes when I saw Asia laughing coming down the hall.

"Girl fuck you" I laughed

"Mommy Mrs.Ramy said can she have some ice, Jello and her meds for bed?"

"Do mommy a favor and go get Annette and tell her Ms.Ramy is ready for her night meds" I shook my head "I'll just tell her when she leaves cause she got a whole other hall to do."

"Auntie, can you check my math homework?" She handed her the paper

"I'm going to go run my trash out. Did you see night shift come in?"

"Yeah they here" She put her hand on her hip and rolled her eyes

"Stop, you and me both know night shift can get crazy"

"Still, it ain't no reason why I'm coming in and I got 4 people soaked and had to do full bed changes and throw them in the shower too. They couldn't have done last rounds."

"Why didn't you write a report?"

"Cause don't nobody go-" She tapped her head "Forgot you was the D.O.N now. Yo ass be working the floor so much I be forgetting"

"I don't like calling people on their days off, it used to annoy the hell out of me when they did it to me." I walked down the hall, put my gloves on, and grabbed the trashcans "I'll be back"

His Aurora (Geniuses and Genetics Book 1) (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now