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"Mommy I don't want to go to school again. I already went last time"

I looked down at Enya and gave her another hug "I know baby, but think about it like this. You can make new friends and learn way more stuff than mommy can teach you, yeah?"

She sighed "Daddy said he was going to be here, where is he?" I opened my mouth to answer her but she looked away "He forgot again huh?" She looked at me.

I kissed her head and gave her a smile "How about tomorrow we-"

"Mommy I know what you're doing" She smiled at me

"You sure your 6?"

She shrugged "Maybe"

I saw her art teacher coming up and waved at her, Enya turned around and gasp "Hi Mrs.Adams" She smiled.

Mrs.Adams was a wonderful teacher, She was older and an amazing person overall. Enya clung to her since she started school last year. She excelled very quickly in preschool and they started her in the gifted program. I wanted her to do two years of preschool but they said it would be pointless. Enya doesn't do well with other teachers so Mrs.Adams allows her to do her school work in her art room, which works out great because she loves art.

Mrs.Adams has come through many times when I was late and Enya's hair was looking a wreck. she would watch out for me and do it for her. When I would be so caught up in work I would forget what time it was, she would either keep her or bring her to my job. She was more than just a teacher to Enya which meant the world to me.

"Hey Enya" She smiled at her "You ready for the new year?"

"No, not at all" She blew out a breath "But, what can I do?" She turned around gave me a hug and walked off.

"I love you!"

"I love you too," She said not even turning around.

"I recommended for her to go ahead and start her multiplications, she did so well in adding and subtracting," Mrs.Adams said

"I don't want to push her too much," I said worriedly

She shook her head "You're not, you don't want her bored though. Hopefully, this will be a challenge for her."

"I caught her reading my old biology book the other day" I chuckled, "She said it was 'fascinating'" Ms.Adams started laughing. "What are we going to do with her?" I asked looking at her.

"Support her and find her something else that she finds fascinating" She laughed

"I don't want her to overdo herself and end up being depressed you know? Maybe next week I'll take her out for a day"

"That's a good idea. Keeping her mental healthy starts young."

"You're right. Call me if you need anything. I'll be back to get her on time today. I promise"

"You take your time Miss.D.O.N." She smiled at me "I'm proud of you for getting that promotion"

"Thank you, Ms.Adams" I waved at her and she started walking to the doors.

I got in my car and called Curtis, it of course went straight to voicemail. I blew out a breath and called again but it went straight to voicemail.

"This is Curtis, leave a message"

"You are a pathetic piece of shit you know that? You promised you weren't going to miss her first day of school. Again! She's not dumb Curtis. The least you can do is call her today. I get off work at 3 and I'll be to pick her up after that." I sighed "Please call her" I hung up the phone and threw it in the passenger's seat "Fucking bitch"

His Aurora (Geniuses and Genetics Book 1) (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now