12 | Indie Morgan

Start from the beginning

"I don't know what I would do. But I doubt it would happen. It's just been so long."

Too long...

Week Two: Friday

It was no secret that I didn't have a dad. I remember times where I felt left out seeming to be one of the only girls fatherless at the daddy daughter dances my elementary school did.

Though I was grateful for my mom always being there, sometimes, throughout life, I would find myself thinking of what it would've been like if he hadn't left.

If I grew up actually knowing how a man should treat a women he was supposedly in love with. Would I still have the same point of view on relationships?

Wednesdays conversation with Ares has stayed in my mind for quite a long time. I keep going back to his friend Omar's situation and how he's handling it. Though our situations might not be the same, I still understand how he might be feeling, and I empathize with him on that.

Unfortunately, the fact that my mind is on that situation, I can't seem to focus on the current task at hand. I am meant to write a press release on building two, to be sent out next Friday and I haven't put one thing on the page.

"I think it can be short, simple, and sweet. Something along the lines of how you had been looking forward to expanding the company, you can't wait to see it thrive, etc." Abagail drinks some of her coffee. I can see her glaring at me over the cup.

"What is the problem? You have been out of it for the last couple days and it's clearly starting to affect your work. You know you have to have this done by the end of the day."

Sighing, I run my fingers through my hair, stopping at a spot to massage my scalp.

"I know, I just, I want to get all this press bull over with so I can focus on my job and the actual company. I have new client contracts to draw up and send out and they want me to tell them how excited I am."

While I appreciate the media for being my main source of clientele, it gets on my nerves when it takes me from what I actually love doing.

My phone buzzes as Abagail speaks again. "The sooner you get it done, the faster you can get back to your contracts." She rolls her eyes at the last part, more than likely not understanding how I can find drawing up contracts entertaining.

I grab my phone and look at the message Ares sent me.

Hey Ind, check your email when you get the chance. I'll talk to you later mini me.

I quickly go to my email and see a new email from the retreat. I immediately click it assuming that this is what Ares was talking about.

From: single2coupleretreat@gmail.com
To: IndieCaiaMorg@gmail.com
Subject: How's it going?
Today at 12:45pm

Hello All!

We are just checking in. We hope you all are doing well and are enjoying the experience. You are ending week 2 and moving into Week 3.

Consider phone calls, broadening your relationships with meaningful conversations. Talk about your personal lives, jobs, friends, and get deep.

We didn't mention it in the first email because we didn't want you to feel rushed, but, you only have two weeks left in the retreat.

At the end of week four, you all decide if you want to continue your relationships or if you want to end it.

And you won't tell us, you will tell your partners YOURSELVES!

Those who decide to stay in their relationships will get to extend the retreat to a remote location of the groups choosing.

Based on where your relationships are, you will either continue to build your relationships over the phone or in person.

The choice is yours.

Time is ticking to make those decisions.

Tick tock tick tock

-Founders of single2couples

The hell do they mean we only have two weeks! Why wouldn't they tell us that? It seems like it would be an important thing to tell us. That's a major decision to make.

We only have two weeks??

Why would they keep that from us??

I wondered the same thing. This isn't a light decision. Omar didn't tell me anything about this!

What do you want to do?

Honestly, it's your decision.

I mean, neither of us are looking for a relationship. Just because we stop the retreat now, doesn't mean that we still can't be friends.

You're right, there's no point in continuing.


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