5 | Indie Morgan

8 4 25

Week 1: Wednesday

Once again, this situation has me in awe. I've had two conversations with Ares. The first one was introductory. That was to be expected since we wanted to know the general information about each other. However, the conversation last night was deeper. We talked more about our lives and the things that we are comfortable with.

I'm not going to jump ahead and say I feel completely comfortable with him. But we were put in this retreat, in this experience, to get to know one another and to build a friendship. I'm surprised that I've gotten any work done this week. My life completely erupted.

The office phone starts to ring taking me out of my daydream. I press the speaker button. "Yes Elise?"

"You have a call on line one. It is the director for The Rams." My secretary tells me. I check my watch before responding to her.

"He's right on time. Thank you Elise!"

"No problem." She hangs up and I press the line button to connect me to the call.

"Mr. Groff, how are you doing today?"

"Ms. Morgan, I am doing well thank you, what about yourself?" I chuckle at the formalities. I am only ever this formal while dealing with work.

"I can't complain. What did you want to discuss?"

"The coaches and I think you and your team should come down to the field and explain what role the team needs to play in order to help our sales this coming season."

I was expecting this. It is a good idea. It's basically like branding. The team needs to know what to do and what not to do in order for the seasons sales to go smoothly. It's all about pricing and advertising. I'm sure with the players helping to boost their sales, it will go over smoothly.

"Okay, that shouldn't be a problem. What days work best for you?" I roll in my chair too my calender and look at the coming weeks. "For this week, we can do Friday afternoon. I'm sure we will be able to do a quick meeting Saturday morning if needed."

"Actually Saturday would be perfect, say 10:00 am." I'm already adding a sticky note there to be added to the company calendar.

"That is perfect. We will see you then!"

"Great, have a wonderful day." I respond saying, 'You too' before ending the call. Immediately, I press the secretary button. In seconds, Elise comes knocks on the door before entering.

"What's up?" She asks when she walks in. She sits down in one of the chairs that are in front of my desk.

"Do I have anything left on the calendar to do today?" I shuffle through papers on my desk, making mental notes to put them away if they are done and to do the ones that aren't done tomorrow.

"No, you do have dinner with your mom and Abagail tonight." I bring my hand to my forehead, completely forgetting that we made dinner plans, correction, they made dinner plans. No doubt trying to see how the past three days have been going with the retreat.

"Okay, thank you for reminding me. I'll be heading out then." I roll over to the company calendar taking the sticky note off and rolling back over to hand it to Elise. "Can you add this to the company calendar as soon as possible. Then I need you to draft an email for me telling our team for The Rams to check their company calendars immediately after you update it."

"I'll do that right now. Is that all?" I nod my head, rubbing my forehead staring at the papers left of my desk. Mentally debating if I should just finish these papers instead of pushing it to tomorrow.

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