His comment caused most of the room to cheer, making me chuckle a little. New equipment wouldn't be a bad thing. Mainly the jerseys. I would be happy if we only got those new.

As the cheering dies down, the door opens. Our director walks through with a group behind him. I count 7 who stand up in front of the conference room before the last person walks in front of all of them. I immediately notice her eyes. An emerald green. They are so striking, piercing even, you can see them from where I'm sitting.

My eyes scan her face, taking in her almond skin, up to her dark black curls that appear to fall down her back. Without even noticing, my eyes end at her plump full lips. I blink a couple times, trying to snap myself out of this trance when I hear her name.

"Indigo Morgan."

Immediately, my mind goes to Indie. That has to be her. There is absolutely no way that this is a coincidence. Omar said it himself, Indie sounded like a nickname. Indie is a nickname for Indigo and to top it off, both last names are Morgan.

I didn't think to much into it then, but now, it makes so much sense.

My eyes follow her as she sits down in the front row. She adjusts herself, moving her hair back behind her. I watch as she turns her head and immediately her eyes lock on mine. Only surprisingly, I don't turn away before she does.

If that really is Indie, my Indie, I am in big trouble.


When the meeting is over, I basically shoot out of my seat. I can feel my heart start racing as I make my way to the front of the room. I don't know why I'm heading in Indigo's direction. My feet started moving before my brain could catch up.

When Austin Lax, number 25 beats me too her I don't know if I'm mad or grateful. In order to not make it awkward, I sit down in the row next too me. One of the players I'm cool with sparks a conversations with me.

I try to listen, but my eyes keep drifting too Indigo and Austin. I'm not close enough to know what they are saying but I can tell whatever it is it's going well. I watch as she hands her phone to him, I can only assume to put his number in.

Now, this can't be my Indie, because Indie doesn't date. She doesn't attempt and she doesn't give out her number to guys. I pull out my phone quickly, finding our conversation in messages and typing good morning.

Just as she's walking out, I watch as her phone flashes. She looks at it and smiles. I watch as she begins typing. I can't help but smile back even if she isn't looking towards me. Even if she doesn't know I'm right here, behind her.

Just when she is out of sight, my phone vibrates.

Good morning, I take it you are done with your meeting?


"Okay so let me get this straight." Christina says dramatically from across the table. The lights a little dim making her appear darker than normal yet I can still she her facially expressions perfectly clear.

"Neither one of you want to date?"

"Correct." I respond, taking a bite of my steak.

"And you just met her? In person?" Omar follows up. I make a sorta gesture while I finish chewing.

"Not really, we didn't speak to one another. But I know it was her."

"Mhm, and what makes you think that?"

"Well," I begin, kind of feeling unconfident in my reasoning but also uncomfortable with the fifth degree I seem to be receiving from both parties across the table. "Both of their last names are Morgan. Omar said it himself the other day, Indie sounded like a nickname and then here comes an Indigo Morgan."

"You don't think that could be a coincidence? I'm sure Morgan is a popular last name."

"Eh, it's rated number 57 of the most popular surnames. I think it could go either way to be honest." Christina and I look at Omar with a straight face. He continues to eat without a care in the world of course after putting his phone down on the table.

"I know it sounds a little crazy, but I even texting Indie while Indigo was still in there. Right when I sent the message she got it and I watched her type and send her message back to me. I'm telling you, it's her!"

"Alright, say it is her. What do you do now? Do you confess to knowing her?"

"I-I don't know, should I?"

"Look, you said it yourself, she doesn't want you to know who she is yet. She's had problems with relationships platonic or not because of her career." Omar continues to eat his food nonchalantly.

"Which is completely understandable since she's the CEO of the biggest advertisement company in the country." Christina follows up, but I can tell she has more to say.

"However, I think it would be worse if you don't tell her. Especially when you both get over your just friends thing." She makes quotes with her fingers, rolling her eyes.

"You are right Chris."


I've been in the house for a couple hours now. With the game being tomorrow, I do have to get up fairly early even though I'm not playing. I still need to participate in morning workout before showering and watching the game from the sidelines.

At 9 pm, my phone starts ringing. I'm in the kitchen making some quick chicken Alfredo that will probably last me the next few nights. My heart skips a beat when I see Indie's name on the screen. I completely forgot that she was going to call me when she got home.

I take a deep breath, grabbing my phone and pressing accept. I bring the phone up to my ear and almost immediately, the raspiest voice, the same voice from this morning was on the other end.


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