It seems like it. He just spoke so bitterly.

Regardless, I don't regret my decision.

I wouldn't regret my decision either. I don't know her ex at all, and I don't know Indie that well either, but I know just based off this that she dodged a bullet. After finishing getting dressed, I head back to my laundry room to put the clothes in the dryer.

Like every night, I make sure all the lights are off and the front door is locked before settling down in my room. I leave my nightstand lamp on before paying attention to the conversation.

So, that was the reason why you view relationships the way you do?

Not necessarily. For as long as I can remember, I always thought about relationships like that.

I think that it started from when my father left. I was too young to really understand but knowing that he was there and one day decided to leave...idk I guess that stuck with me.

Oh wow, it's unfortunate that you had to go through that.

Thank you.

For what?

For not saying sorry. I hate when people do that, I never understand what they are sorry for when they didn't do anything.

I get it. Trust me, I understand. That's why I try to avoid saying it.

Well thanks again...

When I got older, my mom started dating again. One after another they would be gone. I just didn't want that for my life. So, I focused on school up until sophomore year of college.

Like I said, I wanted to be able to at least say that I have experienced a relationship.

That makes sense. Especially when all you are seeing is heart break. That to me is a valid reason to not want to experience a relationship. You are placing your heart in the hands of someone else and are hoping that they don't break it.

It can be nerve racking and unfortunately it can end up badly.

Not too be bold, but it seems like you are speaking from experience.

Lol I haven't been in a relationship at all. I unfortunately have had a whole lot of heart break in my life, I don't want to add a breakup to the list.

I lost my parents when I was 10 to a car accident. After that, it was just my brother and I. Luckily, he was 18 so we didn't have to be separated or put in foster care.

Before I read her next message thoroughly, a notification pops up on the top of my screen. It's an email from coach. I'm hoping it's canceling the 6pm work outs or at least not adding more of them.

Subject: Mandatory Meeting!

Good evening team,

Good job during practice today. No, I am not canceling work outs. They will continue and be reevaluated after the game on Sunday. On Saturday, we will be meeting with our new advertising team at 10 am. It is essential that everyone is there. If you have a valid reason as to why you cannot come, let us know immediately!

Anyone who is not exempt and does not show will be running along with the whole team!

I expect everyone to be there at 9:30 at the latest. It should only be about a 45 -minute meeting max. Afterward your day is free to get ready for the game on Sunday.

Have a good night
-Coach Simms.

Great, a meeting. What do they need to meet with the team for? The question stays in my head as I add the meeting to my calendar so I don't forget. It's probably on the team calendar but it's always so messy and it's hard to really keep track of that.

Our previous advertising team never met with us. Our director just told us what we needed to do and when. Granted, that team wasn't good at their jobs hence the new one, but still. I can't imagine what they need us for.

When I'm done, I head back to Indie and I's text message thread and read her text.

Awe that sucks. I'm happy you and your brother had each other though.

Yeah, me too.

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