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Recently, the relationship between the several big families in Dragon City has deteriorated and got worst.

As the Shen family grew their business, their interests gradually threatened the other clans, so the fake little harmony on the surface between them and the others had almost dissipated.

Shen Wei returned home, too exhausted as if a tidal wave had swept over all of his body. He dragged his drained exhausted body slowly underwater, feeling he did not have much power to struggle much.

The house was cold and empty after Ye Zun had left. The house had completely lost its living atmosphere, except for a few maids who came back and forth every other day to do some basic cleaning and tidying up.

Every day he came back home to dead empty silence chattering everywhere, which inevitably made him think of Ye Zun, when the latter was here, the situation was quite the opposite.

Originally, these thoughts only popped up inside his head from time to time and were soon drowned out by the busy workload, but today, when he had finally settled down and had some free time, the thoughts could no longer be suppressed, and they came boiling up and dominated every nerve in his brain.

Shen Wei sat on the sofa for a while, there was still a fruit plate left by the maids on the coffee table, which reminded him of that simmering night when he first beat Ye Zun up. His younger brother had grown up too much and had become stubborn and defiant, half from his own indulgence and laissez-faire, and the other half from the pride chiselled in his bones.

Ye Zun knew how to hurt a man. His language was mean and spiteful, and his frivolous behaviour had stung and provoked him to the point of not being able to stand it which ended him up losing control that night.

It seemed to him that whenever he faces Ye Zun and was confronted with him he always loses control.

He thought about all those years of experience that had taught him to control and tolerate any kind of provocation, but in front of Ye Zun's stimulations, he was completely helpless.

Ye Zun was the only person who managed to pierce right through his barrier, piercing him right in the heart, taking roots and spreading effects, and getting on his nerves.

So before he could even react, his heart was all about Ye Zun.

Ye Zun had carved his mark too deep on his heart, brutally intruded into it, and planted a dazzling flag there.

But he wasn't suitable for Ye Zun.

Not from any angle, not from any level. They cannot be together.

But the more he wanted to let go, the more he couldn't as if he was punished for the slap he had given to Ye Zun.

Shen Wei rubbed his forehead. Once his thoughts started they could no longer be stopped, he stood and went back to his room.

He was alone in the room, his phone vibrated from time to time with a message or two from the work pile, which he didn't want to see, nor did he want to care about. He knelt on the floor in a daze and began to tidy up the contents in the bookcase in front of him, it was his new way of relieving his stress instead of the passionate pleasure of making love with Ye Zun.

Inside the bookcase were some things from his childhood, neatly placed in several boxes, not too many, not too few. He hadn't left much from his childhood, his mother had divorced his father quite early, and as far as he could remember, the two had respected each other more as colleagues than as a husband and a wife.

His father was busy at work and his mother was not the kind of person who had time to bring up a child. She took care of him until he was two or three years old only and when she could no longer bear the boredom of being a housewife, she went out to start a company, leaving him in the care of the maids.

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