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The house was still cold and quiet as he arrived. Shen Wei changed his shoes and took the documents he had just picked up from the Special Investigation office, thinking about how he should open this topic and talk to Ye Zun about leaving the country.

He passed by the living room and his fingertips touched the doorknob of the room when he suddenly was welcomed with a cold question that emerged from behind him.

"Where have you been?"

Shen Wei turned around, Ye Zun was leaning on the sofa in the living room, his younger brother was sitting there waiting for him for who knows how long, he looked in good health, no lights were on in the room, only the slight moonlights leaking in from the side balcony allowed him to barely see his younger brother's face.

"Ye Zun?", He frowned and raised his hand to turn the light on. As always, his younger brother loosely combed his hair in a ponytail, half of his hair hanging down in front of him. Ye Zun stared at him for a moment, picked up an apple from the fruit tray in front of him, and peeled it without slowing down.

"You...", He wanted to ask how his recovery was going, but then he remembered the news doctor Feng had reported to him a few days ago and swallowed the question in his throat.

Ye Zun in the living room this late at night? He thought after he bent his head to look at his watch before he took the file bag and patted it on his hand. Perhaps it's a good time to speak clearly to Ye Zun about going abroad.

"You were with Zhao Yunlan?" Ye Zun chopped off a small piece of apple peel, his heart drowned him in unspeakable irritation and soreness. He had no desire to be a mere fuck buddy with Shen Wei anymore and wanted to have a different kind of relationship with him, an intimate sentimental and more emotional relationship, but Shen Wei was just good with that fuck buddy relationship, all he thinks about was sex only, that's why he had gone to Zhao Yunlan after he was injured.

Shen Wei tightened his hold on the document in his hand, he sensed the hostility in Ye Zun's words. For so many days, he had been running hither and thither to deal with Ye Zun's affairs, and after returning home exhausted, Ye Zun's first reaction was to question him about why he had gone to Zhao Yunlan.

Green veins rippled at the corners of his forehead, and he took a deep breath and tried to calm down, but his tone had taken on an irrepressible and uncontrollable sting: "I went to see Zhao Yunlan to deal with the trouble you've caused, to clean up the mess you've left. What's wrong with Zhao Yunlan?"

Ye Zun peeled his apple, his original mind finally rose to a critical point after hearing Shen Wei's unabashed admission.

It was true that Zhao Yunlan was a good candidate for a solution, but in the bottom of his heart, he just minded it, not to mention Shen Wei's current change of attitude. The fact that his older brother had approached Zhao Yunlan had in a disguised way proved his uselessness, that he was not worthy of Shen Wei.

True, he had made such a big mess, but even though it was his own problem, his brother still go to someone else to solve it.

'Why did it have to be Zhao Yunlan?', Ye Zun gritted his teeth as his emotions surged upwards.

"Dragon City is so big, and you just had to find Zhao Yunlan?", he gagged, this counted as a provocation for no reason, but he just didn't like the fact that Shen Wei was so defensive of Zhao Yunlan.

He was just okay with everyone in Dragon City, but not Zhao Yunlan.

"Do you know how big of a mess you've stirred up?", Shen Wei's face darkened as Ye Zun peeled another apple, still with that careless look, which made his rage rose even more.

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