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Ye Zun was recovering quite well.

The Alpha's physique allowed all the superficial wounds to fade cleanly within a few days. Of course, a large part of this was thanks to the private doctor Feng Qu Bing.

This relatively young doctor didn't know where he was dug up by Shen Wei to become the Shen family's doctor.

Ye Zun leaned back on the bed and slid the news that popped up on his phone, swept across the lines, scanning through it at a glance and finding that several newspapers were surprisingly unified in their articles. He propped himself up and removed the IV drip needle from the back of his hand. Doctor Feng sat at a table not far away and immersed himself in writing something before he glanced at him when he heard Ye Zun's movement and fumbled for his phone to send a message that should supposedly be sent to Shen Wei.

Speaking of which, his older brother hadn't been home for several days.

He could roughly imagine what Shen Wei had to deal with, but he still couldn't restrain the thoughts rippling through his head and the feelings in his heart.

Ever since he saw a different Shen Wei that day, his repressed love was like a vine that had been nourished, and in just a few days it was growing wildly everywhere, tossing and turning, and no matter how much he tossed and turned, all he could think of... was Shen Wei.

He recalled countless times the care of Shen Wei in the car at that time, Shen Wei's heartbeat, everything that Shen Wei treated him with, and even the details of Shen Wei's fierce treatment of him, all went over and over in his mind, and he was not able to let go.

His older brother was panicking over him, and this felt damn good!

He took a rare interest and sent a message to Shen Wei. It felt awkward and indifferent to his usual twisted and cold tone, and after thinking for a while about the wording, he finally tapped 'send', but it didn't matter how long he had waited, his message was never returned by Shen Wei. The phone screen lit up and went dark again and again, and he pressed the button at the top almost nervously, tapping it whenever he saw message notifications, but it seemed that the whole world had sent him a message of condolence, but Shen Wei alone had not.

He patiently replied to everyone's messages one by one, his phone became a source of anxiety, every vibration, every bright screen could make his mood fluctuate, but after a day had passed, Shen Wei did not reply to him, as if this brother of his had returned to his original muted and uncaring state.

He felt cranky and irritable, but every time the phone vibrate, he couldn't restrain himself from rushing to it, like a moth to a flame, only this time, he seemed to have lost the source of the light.

He waited for a long time, so long that his passion began to calm down, so long that he found some sense, so long that he finally realized that Shen Wei might not care about him as much as he thought.

Perhaps Shen Wei's reaction that day was simply fear of being in the news, fear of embarrassing the family, fear of his father's reaction, fear of...

Shen Wei had too many reasons to panic.

This is also true.

He had indeed caused a lot of trouble. Ye Zun looked in the mirror, his reflexion in the mirror was extraordinarily pale, the tossing and turning of the past few days had made him lose more weight and become thinner, and the greenish-black under his eyes made him look even more haggard. A man who should have been recuperating well had made himself look like he was terminally ill.

But even so, there was still no news from Shen Wei. The person who had been so warm and fuzzy for the past few months had now disappeared when he wanted and needed him the most.

He numbly washed his face with water and thought no matter what, Shen Wei should have replied to him.

Sourness rushed up from the bottom of his heart as he fished out his phone and took one last look at it, but the screen was still empty.

Damn it, where the hell is Shen Wei?


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