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>Sexual content ahead. Proceed at your own discretion<

Shen Wei was helplessly speechless. Ye Zun looked at him with such an innocent look that he knew he couldn't refuse anything his younger brother is going to propose.

He couldn't believe this. It doesn't make sense to him that the exact person who had been pestering him to fuck him just a few minutes ago, was looking at him now with a studious look as if he was a good student so eager to learn! More specifically, the young man had an innocent urge to learn how to fuck him.

At this time, the look on Ye Zun's face had reminded Shen Wei of the past-- when his little brother was chasing him around, asking him pesteringly to teach him how to do his homework when he was a child.

The train of thoughts related to this reminded him again how messed up this relationship was, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt filling his guts.

He swallowed hard and sat, trying to put an end to smother this bad attempt of having sex with his little brother, before everything run out of control.
But the young man who mistakenly thought that he was going to resist again pressed him down firmly with so much force, leaving a red mark on his older brother's skin.

"Relax, I'm just taking the lubricant," Shen Wei explained vaguely and retrieved the lubricant from under the bed. A small amount was remaining in the bottle.

Shen Wei poured it into his palm, and slowly felt the process of the lubricant getting warm from the heat of his palm. Ye Zun's eyes were full of inquiry and curiosity, which deepened the discomfort he was trying to ignore.

This was annoying.

A terrible idea.

He is too indulgent to Ye Zun.

Shen Wei tried his best to calm his breathing. Too much liquid was held in his palm, covering it. Trickling down his slender fingers as the gel melted.

He pressed his liquid fingers to his groin, down to the crack of his buttocks, and felt the soft edge of his anus, before he pushed a finger inward.

While preparing himself to be fucked, Shen Wei was uncomfortable as he pushed in, but he was trying to get used to it for a moment or two, he then added another finger to his tight hole.

Just after he was adapting to one or two fingers, the impatient younger brother of his pressed his wet palms against his hips, against the flesh of his buttocks, rubbed his wet fingertips along his older brother's entrance, before he shoved his fingers in recklessly.

Shen Wei tensed and held a sob, yet Ye Zun's other hand started rubbing his d**k fondly, making everything a complete mess.

Shen Wei winced, unable to get used to the unfamiliar sensation. This feeling was unable to be adapted.

Ye Zun seemed to see through his Gege's discomfort and uneasiness, taking the initiative to comfort him, trickling soft kisses from his Gege's eyebrows to the corner of his lips, yet the movements of his hands didn't mean to slow down at all.

The expansion process was dull and difficult, the pheromone scattered out in disorder several times, but was all pressed down by Ye Zun's kisses.

"Gege, let me in..." Ye Zun begged him softly...

Ye Zun had reached the end of his patience. He could no longer hold back and endure this. He was at his limit.

It was not easy to maintain his sanity and rationality for so long during the differentiation period. The young man's genitalia was tightly pressed against his older brother's hips, pushing softly trying to penetrate him.

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