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"Young master, there's someone downstairs, who claimed to be a friend of your younger brother. He said he must see you now, and he's been trying to rush in several times, saying it's urgent. The receptionist couldn't stop him. It seems that the person has rushed upstairs.", the secretary knocked on Shen Wei's door to report that when the young boss came to the company this morning, the air pressure was uncharacteristically low, causing everyone to tremble.

Shen Wei paused his hand that was holding a pencil and said coldly, "Since when has my Shen family's company degenerated to the point of allowing outsiders to barge in? Send him out."

He was still in a bad mood after the last fight with Ye Zun. He had compromised too much with Ye Zun and had just taken too much care of the youth's ideas to end up in this situation where he was not even respected today.

All because of his attitude of being compromised.

The more his brother defied to behave himself, became undisciplined, and went against him in everything, the more he becomes helpless. If he continued to indulge in this, sooner or later his younger brother would get himself into trouble. The company already has enough of a headache because of him, so all what he wanted was a brother who would stay at home, not to be a troublesome hedgehog.

He had made up his mind that it was time to put some pressure on Ye Zun to realise who really had the say between the two of them. He would hold Ye Zun a little hostage financially.

The secretary nodded, and after a short while still couldn't hold back and hesitantly said, "It's the Inspector Gao's son."

Shen Wei finally raised his eyes and looked at the secretary as he slowly pressed on the pen and said raising his voice coldly: "Haven't I made it clear enough? Escort him out."

The secretary was startled, she nodded her head and ran out in a flash.

This was the second time she had seen the young boss in such a state and bad mood, the level of terror was simply several levels higher than that belongs to the big boss(Shen Wei's father).
The big boss was at least angry at the objects, smashing and throwing them into the ground, before finally getting the boss's wife(Ye Zun's mother) to come over and calm him down. But the small boss is for sure different.

When the little boss is angry, he becomes an extremely cold kind of a person, and when a person who has been warm every day is suddenly turned to be as cold as an ice brick, the psychological pressure can really scare people out of their wits, not to mention that no one knows who can calm the little boss's anger.

She took a few steps in a daze and was just about to pull a colleague who was watching to spit out a few words when a dark figure rushed into Shen Wei's office with the speed of lightning.

Her eyes widened and before she could catch up with him she heard the sound of the office's door lock.

It was over. She watched her colleagues stare at each other.

Tomorrow she would have to roll up and leave!


"Shen... Brother Shen Wei! I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, but Ye Zun... Out .... There's... Something happened.", Gao Tianyu ran out of breath and after sharply locking up and blocked the office's door for a good while to catch his breath. It's also thanks to his extraordinary skills that he slipped out of his father's custody car and ran wildly all the way to Shen Wei's company.

Shen Wei put down his pen, suppressing his temper and raising his eyes to glance at this young man.

The son of police officer Gao, he has become so bold.

He stood up and said coldly, "Ye Zun's whereabouts have always been watched, I will be the first to know if something happens to him or not.", he glanced at his mobile phone, the last time the driver reported it was three hours ago, saying that Ye Zun had taken someone to a hotel to get a room and had not come out yet.

What else could have happened? Taking Ye Zun to run a medical check-up was probably the important thing.

Shen Wei suppressed the anger in his heart and was about to kick him out when the young man in front of him was already the first to shout: "No, Brother Shen, Ye Zun was taken away... Kidnapped by the Snake family at the port! My father has sent someone to look for him, but the snake family paid hush money, so when I heard the news, I had no choice but to... Only come to you ...."

Shen Wei frowned and was about to call the driver and ask him for an explanation when he saw Officer Gao's number on his phone's screen, officer Gao had already taken the lead and called over.

He answered the call, and just after a couple of polite words, the words the other side said had made the expression on his face gradually darken.

"Shen Wei. Your brother conspired with my son to steal important smuggling evidence from the police station. The police station originally wanted to arrest him on the spot, but Commander Guo told us to observe first and not to alert the snake, wanting to see how far this matter would develop. We sent men to follow from afar, and to know exactly what happened at the port, I don't know, but that group of groundhogs should have taken control of your brother."

Inspector Gao paused for seconds and continued, "The strange thing is that the snake family voluntarily handed the evidence over to us in exchange for staying out of your brother's matter. Your brother seems to have gone with them, there were no signs of a struggle at the scene to establish a motive, and the police department had no way to send anyone to look for it, so they had to start with a not-so-serious potential escape charge."

"You come to the police station first to report the case so we can send someone to search through the Shen family."

Conspiring with the police officer's son to steal evidence, and dodging the driver to go to the port for an appointment with the Snakes. What else was there that Ye Zun couldn't do?... Should he be relieved that Ye Zun wasn't out screwing people around?

Shen Wei was so angry that he glanced at the young man shrinking in the doorway and gritted his teeth before he responded as calmly as he could, "Thank you. There is no need to file a case, for now, I will personally bring someone to solve it and find him. I guess I'm spoiling Ye Zun so much that I didn't pay much attention to what he's doing. I'm sorry for this mess. When I find him, I will personally bring him over to apologise and make amends, so please don't make any noise yet."

He hung up the phone, holding back his fire before he slammed his hand hard on the table. He looked at the pale young man in front of him, who had been frightened of him, and asked with a calm yet scary tone, "Did Ye Zun collaborate with you to steal evidence from the police station?"

"It was... It was a deal.", Gao Tianyu swallowed his saliva hard and his tone gradually weakened, "I... I'm sorry, Brother Shen, at that time I said I wanted to see you and Ye Zun made an offer that he is going to make me see you if I did something in return for him... I was confused for a moment and didn't think I would let Ye... Ye Zun into something so big ....", he choked out, the weight of the Alpha's pressure inside the room weakening his feet, he pressed himself against the wall and fell to the floor on his butt.

"This is...My fault I'm the one to take the blame for this, it's... It was me who stole the evidence. It's definitely not Ye Zun's mistake... don't let Ye Zun take the ...."

Shen Wei swept a cold glance at him and stormed straight out of his office.

"Responsibility.", Gao Tianyu finished in a daze, and as soon as he turned around, he saw the man on duty at the police station.

"Xiao Gao," the man on duty scratched his head and pulled him up from the floor, "Your father is looking for you to go back."


Undercurrent 【YeWei】Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ