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When his period of differentiation came, apart from a few servants in the house, he was the only one left.

The fever drove the transpiration of every cell up and down his whole body, spreading heat from the lower abdomen to the limbs. Sweat soaked his tight shirt, even though the air conditioner had dropped to 19 degrees, he still felt too hot. The ordinary smell exploded in his nasal area. Strange, pungent, sweet swarms of scent mixed together, and the complete chaos forced all the consciousness out of him, leaving him nothing but emptiness and confusion.

Ye Zun blinked blankly, sweat slipped from the corner of his forehead and dripped onto the document he was writing a few minutes ago. He wiped it away empty-headed he was, his breath burnt fiercely. It feels like a high fever, yet it's much more unbearable than what he had ever experienced before. He could consciously feel that every part of his body was burning uncontrollably, from top to bottom, scorching him inside out.

The water in the glass he poured for himself had already been emptied in just one gulp long ago. He stood in front of the table, bracing his spine up to retain the last bit of strength, trying not to appear too weak and helpless.

After the door was pushed open, the mixed messy smell almost rushed to his nose. The smell seemed to be the only thing of the five senses left for him, and the strong scent rolled and spread all over his body, giving him the urge to vomit. The presence of the servants who were anxiously asking about what was wrong with him, and how does he feel only made him feel more uncomfortable. Ye Zun dismissed all the servants as calmly as he could, and after reaching the kitchen with his spine straight, he could no longer pretend to be calm like the way he just did in front of the servants.

He was unsettled and in a complete mess. Although his clothes were still in good condition and his hair was neatly combed, he was still mortified. The hot flashes came at a bad time. Just after he accepted the extra care of his family, accepted the fact that he might be just a Beta, a mundane after all, and even accepted the extra inheritance allocated to him by his father, his period of differentiation had come too late.

Ye Zun clenched his fists, trying to suppress the urge to vomit. His heart was pounding rapidly. And the troubled heartbeats gave him unbearable feeling. The rapid adrenaline soaring made him almost unable to maintain the stability of his hands.

Holding the handle of the kettle firmly in the palm of his hand, it was aligned, yet when he tried to pour the liquid into the cup, most of the water splashed on the surface of the marble table. The cold liquid fell quickly across the round edge, soaking the corners and hems of his clothes, making them stick to his skin.

It was a mess, a total mess, but he can't endure that much. As the time went on and on, he tried to swallow the water, but it wasn't just his throat that was dry. The burning comes from the internal organs, and no amount of water can extinguish the boiling heat from the inside out.

Disoriented, he threw the glass into the sink in a daze, before he staggered back to the room. Fell into the bed, and wrapped himself in the quilt tightly, feeling weird, as if there was something wrong.

For a moment, the smell of the room seemed a bit pungent, soothing, and more comforting than before ----- there was an indescribable cold incense fragrance floating in the air around him.


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