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When Shen Wei arrived home, he vigilantly noticed there was something wrong in the house.

There was a slight spicy rose scent floating in the house.

Unlike the ordinary rose-based perfume, the fragrance was mixed with what seemed to be a sweet scent of liquor mixed along with an alluring swarm of tobacco spice. It certainly did not come from the servants, and it was definitely not from his father nor his stepmother.

The odd fragrance smelled more like.......

He fixed his glasses, bent over and put his shoes in the shoe rack at the doorway. Following the reflection of the lenses, he saw the water splatters in the corridor not far away. There was not too much trail, only a few drops of the liquid, but it was enough to make him more alert.

The servants were not home, Shen Wei pressed the small pistol in his briefcase, and padded into the house's hallway very slowly.

The door of Ye Zun's room was wide open, and as he walked, the fragrance became more intense, and the smell grew stronger as he walked. Shen Wei frowned, his glasses were covered with a light white mist due to the temperature changes, he hesitated for a while, before he strode into his younger brother's room.

His younger brother was not in his room. Shen Wei sniffed carefully, froze for a while, and finally realized the source of the smell. He put down the handgun, rubbed his forehead, shook his head and smiled.

It was no wonder that his father kept commenting that he was overly cautious. When there was a strange smell in the house and no signs of fighting, his first sense went a long way, he had not reacted immediately at first. Going for all the impossible causations, ignoring the most obvious reason ----- This might be Ye Zun's differentiation.

"Didi?" Shen Wei tentatively yelled, vaguely hearing the faint noise from his own room.

'Ye Zun this is.....', Shen Wei blinked, before he carefully pushed the door of his room open.

The smell inside the room became more intense, and the person who was curled up like a ball on his bed reacted in a dazed manner to the presence of the unexpected guest in the room.

Ye Zun got up to the sitting position, and the sight of his older brother in front of him made his face change and went paler.

"Didi..." Shen Wei put down his bag and leaned against the wall while looking amused. He then took a step forward and tentatively stopped again: "In the period of differentiation, do not wrap yourself up too much."

"...Get out." Ye Zun spoke and wrapped himself tighter with the quilt. He did not want to face Shen Wei, or in other words, he did not dare to face Shen Wei.


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