To be a better boyfriend part 2

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Stephen and I was sat in the library. The fireplace, in front of the couch, currently warming us up. "Would you mind telling me what happened to make you drive off?" Stephen questioned me.

I wrapped my arms around my chest in a self hug. "He cheated." Was all I could manage to croak out. Stephen immediately moved closer to me and wrapped me in a hug as he noted my voice. "He fucking cheated, and I did nothing to stop it." I cried into his chest.

"You didn't know." He tried to reassure me. "I didn't love him enough." I told him as I let the tears fall onto his chest. "Y/n, listen to me. What he did wasn't your fault." He said as he cupped my cheeks and made me look up at him. "But if-" I tried but Stephen caught me of as he put his pointer finger on my lips.

"You loved him just the perfect amount. It was his fault, his decision." He went on to explain. I felt the tears falling down my cheeks, but I was concentrating on Stephen and his voice. His warm hands cupping my cheeks. His ocean eyes.

"You need someone who will love you more than you've ever loved someone. You need a giver and not a taker like him. Do you understand?" He explained. "Men like that doesn't exist." I told him truthfully.

"Yes they do, you just have to open your eyes."

I looked deeply into his eyes. "I'd give you anything you'd ever ask for, with no hesitation." He said as he dragged me into his lap. I let my head fall down onto his shoulder. "So if I asked, you'd be willing to just hold me while I bawl my eyes out and potentially ruin your shirt?" I inquired. "Yes." He answered with no hesitation what so ever. He wrapped his arms around me tightly as he pressed my body flush against his.

"Good, because I wouldn't mind staying like this for a while." I told him honestly as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I heard and felt him let out a small laugh. I smiled to myself before relaxing in his embrace.

"I love you, y/n." His voice murmured lowly. I breathed in deeply before deciding to take a giant leap. I softly placed my lips on the warm skin of his neck. "I think I love you too." I answered hesitantly. "I'm glad." He told me.

A/n: i really wanted to make a part 2 for you guys, but I have no idea of what to write soooo

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