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I walked through The sanctums front door. Wong walked down the stairs down to the door to Kamar-taj. "He's in the living room." He said before walking through the door. I quickly made my way up to the living room to see him reading peacefully. "Stephen I need your help." I said.

"I don't have time right now."

"But it's important."

"This is more. Now shoo."

"But Stephen-"


I looked at him angered before turning around and walking into his bedroom. I sat down on his bed trying to keep my calm. Which failed big time. I jumped up from the bed and punched the wall. Nothing happened. I let out groan of annoyance. I went out to the bathroom and looked into the mirror leaning onto the sink. I punched the mirror and it immediately broke into a million pieces. I leaned over the sink again and saw crimson drops fall into the sink.

I was confused since I hadn't felt any pain. I looked at my hand and saw it was ripped open a few different places. I let out a groan of annoyance again and sat down in the shower.

I heard footsteps running to the room and I immediately hid my hand with an illusion, just like Loki had taught me. Stephen came into the bathroom and saw the mirror shattered. He looked around before his eyes landed on me. He slowly made his way over to me.

He moved his hand forward. "Show me your hand." He said. I moved my unharmed hand forward. "The other one." He said irritated. I showed him my other hand which was still under an illusion. "Remove the illusion, Y/n." He demanded. I rolled my eyes before removing the illusion.

Blood quickly fell onto his hands and down his arms onto his clothes. I looked away while he studied my hand. The pain was now settling in and I had to bite my cheek to stop my cries of agony as he moved my hand around.

He stood up and grabbed a first aid kit from the cupboard. He slowly took out the different pieces of glass as tears were rolling down my cheeks because of the pain. I used my other hand to dry away the tears that was continuously rolling down my cheeks. He got out a disinfectant cloth and started cleaning out all the smaller pieces of glass. As soon as I let out the smallest sound of pain, he stopped. "I'm sorry, sweetheart, but I have to get it all out." He said as he looked deeply into my eyes. I only nodded as a response. As he finished cleaning out my hand, he wrapped up my hand and put a spell on me that removed the pain temporarily. He stood up and washed his hands. He went over to me and picked me up bridal style.

He sat me down on his bed and walked away into the bathroom to clean up the mess I had made. He quickly changed into a tee and a pair of jeans before sitting down beside me on the bed. "Tell me. What did you need my help for?" He asked in a low voice, holding my unharmed hand. "It doesn't matter. I'm sure you have more important matters to attend to." I answered as I sniffed.

"They can wait."

"It didn't sound like it earlier."

He cupped my cheeks before placing a loving kiss on my lips. I loved his sweet soft lips against mine. "Please tell me, sweetheart." He whispered. He looked deep into my eyes. "I just wanted you to teach me how to waltz. It's important for the upcoming mission." I told him.

"Well then." He moved away from me and stood up. "May I have this dance?" He asked holding out his hand for me to take. I smiled at him before setting my hand in his. "You may." He quickly got into rhythm and I followed as best as I could. "You're doing amazing." He said cheering me on as we danced around in his bedroom.

"And now swirl around." He instructed. I did as told and accidentally fell into his arms as soon as the spin ended. I was out of breath as I felt his hand move up to my cheek. "Is there something you can't do?" He joked before placing a loving kiss on my lips. I immediately leaned into it and relaxed in his arms. We moved away again and let our foreheads rest against each other. "Thank you." I whispered.

"I'm sorry." He apologized.

Stephen Strange(one shots)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat