Just relax

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"Avengers!" Steve yelled. I took a stance, getting ready to run and attack. "Assemble." He said. Thor and a lot others immediately let out a war cry as we took of in a run. I looked up to see Stephen right over me. He winked down at me. I smiled and ran faster. I got my powers ready, never getting tired of the feeling of pure energy running through my veins. "Y/n, to the right." Tony yelled. "On it." I answered and jumped up, using my force. I grabbed onto the large creature running at us and twisted its neck, making its head fall of completely. "That was disgusting." I heard Pepper say.

"Stephen, I could use a specific donkey right about now." I told him as I started draining myself from all the running. "Gimme a second." He said as he fought back the creatures trying to attack him. I jumped in front of him and fought against them, keeping him safe so he could make the portal.

I heard the portal behind me crackle open. I looked and saw my horse run out and towards me. "Stay safe." I told Stephen as I grabbed onto the grey mane of my Arabian horse and jumped up on his back. "Great to have you back." I said to the horse, that I called Zhady, as I petted his neck.

I guided him with my seat and legs as I pushed him into a fresh canter. I got out my double sided battle axe and swung at everyone that neared us. "Go for the big guy." Steve told me. I let out a sigh before changing directions and galloping towards Thanos.

I drew my axe back before swinging it at his knee. It hit and made him fall down just slightly, but not enough. "Go to Stephen." I told Zhady before I jumped of him. I pulled out both of my two sided daggers and held one in either hand. I flipped them around and ran at Thanos. He raised his hand and was about to hit me, but I stabbed him in the middle of his palm before he could touch me.

He immediately drew his hand back. "Now you have no weapon." He said with a smile as he pulled out my dagger. I smirked and drew my claymore. His smile immediately fell. He drew his own sword. The difference was tho, his sword was made out of Uru, most likely without any enchantings, now mine? It was made out of adamantium, enchanted by the strongest sorcerer to ever exist... not me, more ancient.

A sorcerer that was forgotten a long time ago. A sorcerer that was trained only by the highest gods ever ranked. Zatanna.

Thanos was about to attack, but I ducked. I held my sword close as I deduced his up coming attacks, successfully ducking them all. "Come on, big boy." I told him as I went for a swing. He stopped my attack with his own sword. Shit. I pushed as hard as I could, but he kept up.

Something had made its way into my head. What the fuck. I kept my focus on Thanos. I swung another hit at him. He blocked it again. I let out a groan. I twisted my sword and went for his neck. This was the final hit. He blocked again but I was able to push his sword closer and closer to his throat. I grinded my teeth. "Come on." I groaned out.

I felt the presence in my mind grow stronger and tug at my memories. I lost control of my body as I felt myself drop my claymore. "NO!" I heard someone yell in the distance. A tightening and uncomfortable feeling suddenly appeared in my lower abdomen. I let out a groan as I hit the ground.

I realized my eyes had closed, so I opened them back up. I looked around to see something flying at Thanos. Stormbreaker. It had buried itself in Thanos' chest. A red cloaked figure was immediately by my side. I looked up at the face of the figure. The comforting blue eyes of Stephen strange looking down at me. They were scared. No not scared. Something more.

I followed Stephens line of sight and saw my own dagger buried deep in my lower abdomen. "Stephen." I croaked out, scared. "You'll be fine, just relax, yeah?" He told me as he cupped my cheek, his hands wet and sticky. "I don't wanna die." I told him as I held tightly onto his blue uniform. "I won't let you die, I promise." He said as he removed a strand of hair that was stuck to my sweaty forehead.

I saw a few of the other teammates quickly come to my side. I looked over at them to see Carol looking at the wound. "That's going to look like an epic scar." She told me, trying to keep me happy. I laughed, but immediately regretted it. The pain like lightning surging up my body. I grabbed hers and Stephens hand. "Would you guys mind helping me to stand?" I asked them with a low voice.

"You should stay down." Stephen told me. "No, I have to get home." I demanded. Carol had her other hand on my shoulder, keeping me down. "Listen to the doc, y/n." She told me. I looked at her and then back to Stephen. I let out a sigh and relaxed. "Thank you." Stephen mumbled out. He made a portal and got out a roll of bandaging.

He let go of my hand and placed both of his hand on my lower abdomen. I tightened my grip on Carols hand. "I'm sorry." He told me before quickly pulling out the knife. I let out a scream as I nearly broke carols hand. "Natasha?" Stephen asked. Nat quickly came over and placed her hands tightly on the wound. I clenched my jaw and let my head fall back in pain. "It's okay, Y/n." Carol told me.

"It hurts like shit, bro." I told her. Stephen put his hand under me and onto the small of my back. "Levi?" He called. His cloak went under me and held me up. He quickly put the bandage around my body and on top of the wound. "There." He said as he made sure it would stay tight right there.

Carol let go of my hand and stood up. Stephen wrapped his arms around me and picked me up, holding me bridal style in his arms. "I can walk just fine." I told him. "No, you can't." He answered. "Home?" Tony asked. "Home." Steve confirmed. Stephen some how managed to make a portal while I was still in his arms.

Everyone walked through, except for me who was being carried, and walked to their own rooms. Except for Bruce. "You've got it under control?" He asked. "Might need help with the stitches. I suspect you know why." Stephen answered. Bruce only nodded. Stephen created a new portal to the sanctum sanctorum. He laid me down on a table in the library.

He summoned everything necessary to patch me up. I looked at the needle in Bruce's hand. My eyes widened. "No. No I'll be fine without stitches." I told him as I sat up. I was about to let out a groan because of the overwhelming pain, but I held it in. Bruce looked up at Stephen.

Stephen placed two fingers on my temple. "No, please, Stephen." I pleaded with him as I grabbed onto his wrists. "We're doing this to help you." He told me as he moved his fingers from my temple to cupping my cheek. "I know, but I don't want it. Please." I answered him.

He let out a deep breath as he searched his mind for something else to do. I let my eyes fall to Bruce. "Please, Bruce, don't do it." I told him. "I'm not doing anything without your consent." He answered with a nod.

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