I'm sorry

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I felt someone following me as I made my way home from my friends place. We had had a few drinks but not enough to get me drunk. It was raining slightly. I heard heavy footsteps behind me. Not heavy enough to be a very big guy. But not light enough to be a small guy either.

I quickened my pace, hoping that, whoever was following me, would leave. I looked behind me to see a man with a goatee following me. I wasn't able to see his hair clearly enough for the hair color, but it was short and looked to have a grey streak on both sides of his head. Oh no. I quickly jumped into a sprint as I ran away from Him. The "oh so amazing" Doctor Stephen Strange. My pulse was going crazy as I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. I clenched my jaw as I, all of a sudden, took a sharp turn to the right.

I slipped on the wet ground but quickly pushed myself back up as I kept running. "C'mon, Y/n." I whispered to myself as I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I wouldn't let him catch me, not again.

"Y/N!! Y/N/N PLEASE JUST LISTEN TO ME!!" He begged as he followed me. I took a turn once again into a alleyway. I hid close to the wall as he followed me into the alleyway, although he continued further in. I got out my dagger and creeped behind him. I held my knife to his throat as he quickly stood still. "What do you want?" I asked through clenched teeth. "You." He answered.

I tightened my grip around my blade as I took a breath. "I thought I told you, we're over." I told him. "You did, but I still-" he cut himself off. "Please remove the knife and come home with me so we can talk." He begged. I removed the knife from his throat but still held it tight in my hand as I let him go.

"Thank you." He told me. I looked him up and down before scrunching my face together. He was still surprisingly attractive. Wait what? How could I still find him attractive after he cheated on me? He created a portal before placing his hand on the small of my back. I slapped away his hand before walking through the portal.

I sat down on the couch in his library as I waited for him to explain what he wanted. He sat down in the chair in front of me. "Tea?" He asked. "Sure." I answered with a shrug. He teleported a cup into my hand. I looked down at it before smelling it. "Earl Grey with honey and milk." He told me. Wow. He remembered? That's kinda sweet. But that doesn't make it okay what he did.

"Look," he started, making me look up at him from my tea. "I'm sorry." He said. "Really? I didn't know." I said sarcastically before taking a sip of tea. "I know you think I cheated on you." He told me. "Which you did." I mumbled. "I- well yeah, but-" he started but I cut him off. "But what? It was an accident? You accidentally fell and your pants just seemed to slip as she laid on our bed completely naked? And then your dick just accidentally slipped into her multiple times?" I asked him as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Y/n that's-" I quickly cut him off again. "Then what? You just accidentally pounded into her multiple times with out pants on?" I told him.

"WOULD YOU JUST LISTEN FOR ONCE!!" He yelled at me. He held both hands on each temple as he massaged them. I rolled my eyes as I sat down the tea and crossed my arms over my chest, leaning back into the back of the couch. "She controlled my body. I knew what was going on, but her magic was to strong I couldn't do anything." He explained. "I'm so sorry for what you had to see and hear, but I promise you I would never in my life cheat on you. At least not while I'm in control of my mind and body." He explained to me.

She raped him. SHE RAPED HIM. I felt fire burn in my veins. Figuratively of course. "Y/n, I know it's a lot to ask, but... do you forgive me?" He asked. I didn't answer. I didn't even hear what he said. How could someone EVER rape someone as sweet as Stephen? "Y/n?" He asked again. I snapped my head up and looked deep into his eyes. "I'm gonna break her fucking spine." I spat before quickly standing up and walking off.

I felt a hand on my shoulder quickly stop me. Stephen turned me around and held me tight into his chest. "Don't." He demanded as he held me prisoner in his embrace. Not that I minded, but right now wasn't a good time. Wait. That means I've been pissed at him for no reason. He must've been so traumatized after that, while I've just made it all about myself. "I won't." I told him. He let me go again before quickly ran off to the nearest bathroom. I shut the door and locked it before leaning my back on it.

"For fucks sake y/n." I whispered to myself as I hit myself in the head repeatedly. "Idiot, idiot, idiot." I repeated. My vision started getting blurry so I looked up and started taking deep breaths. "In." I took a deep breath in. "Out." And I took a deep breath out. I repeated that thrice before gaining back control. I went over to the sink and looked into the mirror. "I'm gonna find that bitch." I promised myself before walking out of the bathroom.

A/n: don't come at me for all the cheating one-shots, it's an obsession at this point

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