Another, not so normal, day with Stephen

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"BEHIND YOU!" Stephen yelled at me as we fought of the Chibbys. Which was aliens, approximately about 4 meters tall with two arms and two legs. It had weird twisty vampire teeth. It's face could easily be mistaken for a human, but the rest of the body was a weird blueish purple color.

I turned around and shot the Chibby behind me with my gun. It fired of a fear serum, making me look like it's worth nightmare. After being shot, the alien threw itself over the cliff and down into the rocky pit. "No fun." I mumbled before getting back into the fight. "Stephen!" I yelled for him. He killed of a Chibby before looking at me. "Now." I told him. He kneeled down so I could use his leg as a bost onto the Chibby alpha. The Alphas was always female, since they where the strongest. It looked to be around 5 meters tall.

I ran towards Stephen and used his leg as a stepping stool. I flipped backwards and onto the alphas back. She let out a high pitched screech. "SHE SOUNDS LIKE YOU!!" I yelled for Stephen to hear. "ASSHOLE!!" He yelled back. I chuckled loudly as I got out my killing serum. I put some on a cloth and put it over the alphas mouth and nose. She circled herself before slamming her body into a tree behind her. I let out a groan as I fell of her. Luckily, my serum was already taking over her body. She fell down onto the ground with a thud. Her nose started bleeding. She was dead.

I chocked on the blood in my mouth as I tried to get air back into my lungs. All the rest of the Chibbys stopped fighting and walked over to their alpha. They looked over at me before running off. As soon as they where gone, Stephen ran over to me. He checked my body for any bad injuries. "Why are you always so reckless." He growled. "Why shouldn't I be?" I asked him with a smirk. I could taste the iron taste from my own blood in my mouth. He cupped my jaw as he made me open my mouth. He didn't say anything. "It's that bad?" I asked with a chuckle.

He stood up and made a portal. Most likely back to the sanctum. "You know what? I am really craving some McDonalds right now." I said as I stood up. My vision immediately turned black. "Shit." I mumbled before I fell and passed out. I woke up not shortly after, to Stephen carrying me through the portal. "So that's a no to McDonalds?" I asked. He rolled his eyes as he teleported us to his room. He laid me down on his bed. With a swift motion with his hand, I was changed into one of his hoodies and a pair of my shorts, and of course he had cleaned up my face and injury's.

I pulled the duvet over me as I started feeling really tired. I let my body relax as I nearly fell asleep. "No, y/n, nonononono." Stephen said as he made me sit up. I let out a groan as I let him move my body. "I'm tired." I mumbled as I just wanted to sleep. "Yeah, I know, but you can't sleep right now." He said sternly. He quickly changed his own clothes in a quick and swift motion. "Goodnight Stephen." I mumbled as I laid back down. "Y/n, no." He answered as he rushed to my side. He picked me back up and sat me in a sitting position. I wrapped my arms around his neck so he couldn't leave me.

"Goddamnit." He breathed out as he gave up and laid down beside me. "I'll wake you up every other hour, got it?" He told me. I wasn't really listening so I just nodded as I curled up into his side. It may have been midday, but sleep was always a nice thing when it was with Stephen.

As two hours had passed I woke up to Stephen saying my name. "How are you feeling?" He asked me, looking deeply into my eyes. "Like shit in a plastic bag that was thrown against a wall 69 times." I answered in a groan as I buried my head back into his chest. He let out a chuckle as he held around my tighter. "You can go back to sleep, sweetheart." He whispered.

A/n: ngl, I'm really bad at making longer short stories but eh.

If you have an idea for a one shot, please do tell me. Wether you comment it on here or you text it to me. I'll still see it no matter what, so please come with 'em.

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