The beauty of scars

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I looked over at my beloved as he walked of the bathroom. Water droplets rolling down his scared chest. Gods he was more handsome than anyone I've ever met. "You're drooling, sweetheart." He chuckled as he dried his hair. "Only for you." I answered with a smirk as I kept studying him.

He smiled over at me before noticing my long sleeved shirt and sweatpants. "It's boiling in here, why don't you take some clothes off?" He asked me with furrowed eyebrows. I shrugged as i looked down onto my phone. As Stephen had gotten on his boxers, he trotted over to me. He grabbed my phone before crawling on top of me. "I haven't seen you for three days. The least you could do is cuddle me." He mumbled into my chest. I chuckled quietly at his attention seeking behavior.

He moved his hand down to my thigh, massaging it lightly. I clenched my jaw. His hand went up and down on my clothed thigh. I hoped to what ever being was up there, that he wouldn't feel my scars. "What's wrong?" He asked as he removed his hand from my thigh. He held himself up with his hand on either side by my waist in the madras. "Nothing?" I asked him. "Sweetheart, you stiffened up. Are you uncomfortable? Did I hurt you?" He asked me as he quickly moved away from my body.

"No, no you did nothing wrong." I quickly told him as I sat up to look at him. His eyes where filled with worry. I cupped his cheeks as I smiled up at him. "It's nothing. Truly." I insisted. He put one of his hands over my left one before moving it to his mouth, kissing my palm. My smile widened. He looked over me again. "You're palms are getting sweaty." He caught me in my lie from earlier. "I'm not overheating." I told him. I was getting warmer, sure, but not overheating.

"You can change into one of my t-shirts, I believe I have a pair of your shorts here as well." He told me. "Stephen, I'm not overheating." I insisted once more. "Y/n, change before I rip these clothes of you myself." He said with a light chuckle. "No." I told him as I laid back down, my arms crossed over my chest as I faked a frown. Stephen crawled back over me before moving to my neck. He started making fart sounds onto my skin, making me chuckle since his beard was tickling me.

"S-Stephen. Dar-ling. I- I can't breath." I laughed loudly. "Then do as I say." He said before starting to tickle me in my sides as well. I wriggled around, trying to get out of his grasp as I lost all sorts of oxygen. "STEPHEN!" I shrieked. He let out a chuckle as well as he finally stopped attacking me. He smiled down at me as he was sat on my hips. "I hate you." I told him as I breathed deeply. "Sure you do." He said with smile. Now I truly was sweating.

Stephen moved off of me before standing up on the floor. He grabbed my hand and made me sit up. He walked over to his closet and got out one of his shirts and a pair of my shorts. He threw them at me. I caught them before they could hit me in the face. I poked my tongue out at him. He only winked back at me. I let out a groan as I rolled my eyes at him. I grabbed his clothes before walking off to the bathroom. He let me do so. No one else had allowed me to change in privacy? Why was he allowing me to. I pushed my thoughts out of my head as I quickly changed.

I looked down at my body. My left arm was wonky after I broke it from a mission. The doctors had tried fixing it, but wouldn't be able to end up looking the same as before no matter how hard they tried. Which then ended in two scars also placed quite visibly on the back of the elbow. Both my legs where filled with scars both from my childhood, but also past missions. They where also different colors. Some parts where just a slightly other nuance, whilst others where just completely red and then all the bruises as well. And then there was the inside of my thighs... all the scars deliberately placed there by none other than me.

I took a deep breath before walking out of the bathroom, my head hung low. "That wasn't so hard now was it?" Stephen said with a slight chuckle. I didn't really have the energy to come up with a smart come back, so I just let out a small hum. I laid down in the bed, quickly pulling the duvet over my body. "Y/n." Stephen called. "Mhm?" I answered as I made sure the duvet was tightly wrapped around my body. "Don't hide yourself from me." He begged as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't tell me what to do." I answered lowly before biting into my lower lip. I shouldn't be so harsh towards him. It's not his fault. "You know I love you, right?" He asked me. I clenched my jaw as my vision became blurry. "Yeah?" I answered him hesitantly. "Then I want you to know that nothing in this world is perfect, but you're the closest thing to it as one can come." He told me from the other side of the bed. I smiled as I sat up against the backboard of the bed. "There's that wonderful smile from my beautiful girl." He told me as he smiled down at me.

"Your girl?" I asked with a smirk. He nodded quite aggressively. He smacked a wet kiss to my cheek. "Mine." And another to my other cheek. "Mine." He ripped away the duvet from my legs. I immediately dragged my legs up to my chest. He calmly grabbed my left leg, stretching it out. He looked it over a small smile. "All mine." He said with a smirk as he started kissing up my leg. I chuckled as his beard tickled me. As he got my old self harming scars he stopped. "Training for the missions, where we?" He asked as he looked up at me, he was trying to joke, but I could easily see the pity in his eyes.

I dragged my leg back to myself again. "Hey, I wasn't done yet." He said with a fake frown. I didn't answer him. I curled myself into a small ball of sadness. "Y/n... don't be ashamed of your scars. It just shows you where stronger than what ever tried to hurt you." He tried as he cupped my cheeks, drying away my tears. "What if that thing was one self?" I asked him in a whisper, not trusting my voice. "You're stronger than you think, sweetheart, I know you are." He told me as he removed a strand of hair from my face.

I looked up into his calming ocean colored eyes. I took a deep breath as I let him embrace me. I let out a broken croak as I finally broke down completely in his arms. "Just let it go. It's okay. I will protect you." He whispered into my ear as I clamped onto him for dear life. His arms like a shield from the real world.

A/n: not me writing this in less than half an hour🕳🤸

Stephen Strange(one shots)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz