❄️ chapter 13: sentiments

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"That was quick."

Sooho threw a glance at Kangmoo at the front seat who was screening through list of articles. The news of the King and the Crown Prince's visits to the orphanages had made it to the news, and Kangmoo was checking it as usual.

It wasn't really a part of his job, but it had become some kind of habit to him. He would check the live updates on social medias or online platforms whenever they were on their way back to the palace after a schedule.

That day, he was just like a fisherman who got back to the shore with tons of fish. The royal engagement news were really spreading like crazy.

"There are a lot of media coverages of you and His Majesty visiting the orphanages online, but look what comes up as the number one news?" Kangmoo flipped his phone and showed it to Sooho at the back of the car. "Your engagement. You and Miss Youngro."

As expected.

The news of the Crown Prince was about to get married was known publicly for quiet long time until most of the people would think of it as a joke by the royal family. The King himself announced it, but there was no news following up the announcement since then. Until finally that day, the breaking news came up.

"Whoa. Your Highness." Kangmoo switched the application on his phone to Twitter. "You've made into the trending topic again. Worldwide! Seems like your fans are crying right now. This is an international heartbroken day." He joked.

The Crown Prince calmly watched the older man in front of him showing his phone screens. He had expected all of this. However, there was something that triggered his curiosity.

"How about Youngro?"

"Hm?" Kangmoo paused, then turning his head to the Crown Prince. "Miss Youngro?"

As if the man was surprised, Kangmoo stared at Sooho with an opened jaw. Sooho who saw this could only stared back raised both of his eyebrows, signaling the older that he was waiting for a response.

Kangmoo didn't respond immediately, instead he took a peek to the driver next to him. The driver who felt Kangmoo's stare from the corner of his eyes coughed, his eyes never leaving the road in front of him.

The driver looked like a chill guy who wouldn't tell stuff to his upper supervisor. Kangmoo could talk freely.

"Miss Youngro also has her name on the trending list, Your Highness. She's right below you." He answered. "Eun Youngro." Kangmoo pointed his index finger to his phone screen while mentioning the girl's name, the Crown Prince's fiancée's name was written there clearly.

Sooho reached out for an iPad next to him and launched the search engine page. He tried to look for the news as well on online platforms. Indeed, there were tons of published news articles featuring the royal engagement news.

There's even an article giving a deeper information about Eun Youngro as the Crown Prince's fiancée. A picture of her during her childhood, school years, and her latest ones were uploaded as the main banner.

Sooho grimaced as he skim through the comment sections.

"How's the public response? Have you received any report from the PR team?" Sooho asked. "How's the sentiment?"

"For the live updates... to sum it up, 40 percent of the public are happy you're finally met the woman you're looking for. They are amazed of how you guys finally fulfilled your late grandparents' promises and they see you two as a match made in heaven. They're congratulating both of you right now, saying your wedding would be the wedding of the century." Kangmoo paused. He took a long breath before continuing his report.

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