❄️ chapter 8: learning sessions

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Sooho lazily turned his head to the person next to him on the driver's seat. His eyes met Kangmoo's for a second before he threw his glance away, outside the car window. It was pass midnight but the street was still a bit crowded.

The older man mumbled, as if he was talking to himself. "It's Chungya, huh..."

Kangmoo, being the closest person at the royal palace and the one who would always be beside him, knew Chungya for sure. He always knew about this unknown relationship between both of them, but he also understood what they had was special. As a close friend of Sooho since they were child, he never saw Sooho having a crush beside of this only girl, Kang Chungya.

However, he didn't know their complete history. He just knew Sooho was falling hard for her since the beginning. And it slightly saddened him as well knowing the girl turned Sooho's proposal down.

They were on their way back to the royal palace from Gyeokchan's party that night, just the two of them inside the car.

Usually, for informal schedules outside the royal duties, Sooho would have less guards from the palace with him. Especially at the times he would hang out with his friends, he would go undercover together with Kangmoo, just like how they were together that night. It would be easier to go with just him.

"Did you come into the party?" Sooho blurted out. "I told you to come in but you didn't want to."

"I didn't," Kangmoo answered. "I slept at the car until I saw you walked out with Chungya. She looked so drunk, though. Lucky she had her personal bodyguards with her." His mind recalled the scene that night when Sooho walked out from the building, his hand holding Chungya who was having trouble walking straight. He was escorting her outside from the party to her car.

The older man stayed silent for a while, riding the car as the traffic light turned green.

"Sooho," he called. "You should be more careful, though."

The younger one turned his head again, raising an eyebrow.

Kangmoo's eyes were focusing on the road, but he looked like he was having deep thoughts inside his mind. "The PR of the royal family will make a press release soon this week, making your royal engagement known to public. They will also introduce Eun Youngro. The public and the media will have all their eyes on you even more. So, you need to be careful."

He's right.

"Yes. I understand, Hyung."

Come to think about it. There were only a few people who knew about Sooho and Chungya's relationship since they were hiding it only between them and their closest friends. They were trying to avoid rumors, and they chose to keep their relationship that way. Sooho just hoped, this relationship between them wouldn't break out to the public. Chungya wouldn't like it.

In between the silence, Kangmoo raised another question. "How about Eun Youngro? You haven't told me much about her."

Sooho left out a long sigh, leaning his head against the headrest. His eyes squinting. "She..." the sight of that woman appeared inside his head. He couldn't deny that the woman was beautiful— "She is kind of plain."

He added, "I don't know that much about her as well. Beside of from her profile you gave me, I can't really see her personalities through the private meeting days ago. I tried checking on her socials and... well, I guess from there I see her as a bright woman. Loves music. Loves photography— especially film camera photography. I guess it's just her kind of aesthetic. Also, planting and gardening. Weird poses sometimes... well, she's good so far."

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