"Is something wrong?" She frowned. "Are you and dad leaving again?"

"No, no! We, um, we still have time until we are to leave for work again." The woman hesitated. "Wanna help me make breakfast for everybody? We have lots of guests, and we also... didn't get to spend time together. It's been a while."

The atmosphere was so awkward. Juliet was no longer as close to her mother as she used to be. But she could see that she was trying her best to make up for the lost time, and she appreciated the effort.

"Sure. Yeah, I'd like that." She grinned softly.

Remus, watching on the side, had his heart doing flips while watching on the side and had to force himself to look away from the angel before him.

"Okay, I'll be in the kitchen, you can go and wash your face." Euphemia stated, walking away.

"Is that your way of telling me I look ugly with drool on my face?"


The woman chuckled at the loud gasp behind her while the brunette girl turned to her boyfriend with a pout.

"You look beautiful." He told her, eyes sparkling with love.

"You always know how to make me feel better about myself."

It was the other way around.

"Will you reward me with a kiss, then?" He asked with a smug smirk.

"No. I have drool on my face." She sticked out her tongue before rushing to the bathroom before he could grab her.

Quickly washing her face, then brushing her teeth, Juliet simply brushed her messy and tangled hair with her fingers before walking out.

Though, the second she passed the door she bumped into a chest. Which happened to be her boyfriend's. He didn't say anything, simply looking down at her with a raised eyebrow and arms crossed.

The Potter girl looked around before quickly getting on her tippy toes and pecking his lips twice, the second time lasting a bit longer than the first.

"Okay, bye!" She said, scurrying away while he chuckled to himself.

When Juliet made it to the kitchen, she saw Euphemia getting needed ingredients out of the cabinets.

One thing about the Potters, was that despite being a pureblood family and not knowing that much about Muggle lifestyles, they never used magic in the kitchen. Euphemia said that the food tasted better when love and hard work went into it.

"What are we making?" She asked, standing next to her mother.

"How do you feel about pancakes and scrambled eggs?"

"Heaven. I'll make coffee when we're done. And hot chocolate. Hot chocolate is great with scrambled eggs."

Euphemia gave her daughter a funny look before they both started to get to work.

"So, anything you wanna tell me?" The mother asked after a while.

Juliet stole a glance at the woman cracking eggs. "About what?"

"I don't know, about anything. Your friends that visited during summer last year? How are they doing?"

"Pandora is living with Amos and his family, they're doing alright. He has a girlfriend now. Daphne, a Hufflepuff, very sweet. Oh, and Pandora is dating Xenophilius Lovegood."

"That name's a mouthful." Mia chuckled. "What about the other one? Sirius' younger brother?"

"Oh, he's..." She paused, stopping in her task of mixing the pancake ingredients. "I'm not really sure, to be honest. He hasn't been talking to us much. He's hanging out with terrible people too."

"Is that so?"

"Mhmh. I think he's just lost since Sirius left."

"What are you going to do about it?"

"What can I do? I can't force him to stay with us if he doesn't want to. He's avoiding us like we have Dragon Pox."

A moment passed before the Potter mother spoke again, carefully putting the eggs on a plate.

"What about you then?"

"What about me?" Juliet asked, turning the pancake in the pan over.

"A boyfriend? Girlfriend?"

Juliet started blushing but cleared her throat and played it cool. "No, I did go on a date at some point, on Valentine's day. Nothing after that."

"Really?" Euphemia could see someone had stolen her daughter's heart. "So... No one piqued your interest?"

Juliet shrugged.

"What about Remus?" The girl's eyes widened but she quickly forced herself back to normal.

"What about him?"

"Well... I think he likes you." Mia shrugged. "Sweet boy. You should go on a date with him, see how it goes."

"Mum." The brunette whined.

"What! Sirius would love to see you two together too!"

The discussion did not stop there. Euphemia and Juliet bonded once more while making breakfast for their guests, unaware of the presence of a certain scarred boy, sitting on top of the stairs and watching them with a soft smile.

It was a peaceful morning.

* * *

I have been mourning a friend's death but at the same time extremely busy to do so. Perhaps it's the guilt eating me up.

nevertheless, your support has been a great push to put me back to writing so I would like to thank you for it, because indeed, I do read everything every comment, and I find it all heartwarming

THE LOVER AND THE BELOVED // remus lupinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें