Chapter Eighteen

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Liam got on the first flight to America, specifically LA. And he was bringing hell along with him. As soon as he had landed in LA, he was on the phone with Styles.

Not giving Harry the chance to say anything when he answered the phone, Liam began talking.
"Why was Zia not in Minnesota with you and Louis? Your job was to keep her safe while she lives with you."

"She was on a business trip with her boyfriend. And I do try to keep her safe when she is home. But she's rarely home now. Why what happened?" Harry responded.

"Just get your ass to LA as soon as possible. Bring Louis too," Liam said before hanging up the phone.

When Liam exited the airport, Zayd and Luke were standing in front of a car waiting for him.

"Surprised you actually came," Zayd said after he got Liam's attention.

"Don't start with me. What do we know so far?" Liam asked as he got into the back seat. Luke and Zayd getting in the front, Zayd driving.

"What have you been told?" Luke questioned.

"Just that the girls have been taken."

"That is all we know as well," Zayd said as he stepped on the gas, going way over the speed limit as he drove to Niall's place.

"Careful babe," Luke whispered as he placed his hand on Zayd's thigh.

Liam watched the interaction take place from his seat in the back. He felt as the vehicle slowed down to a more safe speed. Zayd was still speeding, but not as fast as they were going.  Liam turned to the person that was sitting next to him and smirked before looking ahead of him again.

A short time later Zayd was driving down the familiar long dirt road to Niall's place. He parked behind one of the many vehicles that littered the driveway.

"Who the hell did he all call," Zayd mumbled as the four of them exited the vehicle.

Liam was the first to enter the house, immediately looking for Niall. Luke and Zayd following behind him. The couple watched as Liam grabbed Niall by the collar of his shirt and pulled him away from Ian and down the hall. Ian turned towards Zayd and Luke, giving them a confused look before following the other two men.
Zayd and Luke followed behind him.

When the three men finally made it to the room Liam dragged Niall into, they were met with hell. Zayn had Niall up against a wall, shouting at him. Liam was leaning against the desk, allowing his boy to verbally assault Niall. Liam knew what he was doing bringing Zayn along with him. He knew his boy would be able to get the answers needed.

"Who the fuck took Zia and Zaria!?!" Zayn screamed as he smacked his hand on the wall next to Niall's head.

"I'm not sure," Niall responded as he looked at the floor.

"Why don't I believe you then? Why are you staring at the floor instead of my fucking eyes when you talk?"

Liam looked away from Zayn and caught eye with Zayd.

"Why the fuck weren't you protecting your sisters?" Liam asked Zayd.

"Excuse me?" Zayd said as he took a step towards Liam.

"You are supposed to be around when there is danger! What, were you off fucking your boyfriend! Leaving your sisters to themselves!"

Nobody was able to stop Zayd from landing a punch to Liam's jaw, or the subsequent punches afterwards.

It took both Luke and Ian to get Zayd off of Liam and to hold him back from attacking his former guardian.

"How dare you fucking accuse me of not trying to protect my sisters! We were the ones that got into a car accident while trying to get to them! Why don't you fucking talk to Niall, he was right down the street from where they were taken and he still didn't get there until after we did!" Zayd screamed at Liam. Getting the attention of both Zayn and Niall.

"What?" Liam wiped the pool of blood off of his lip with the back of his hand, as he turned to look at his boy and Niall.

"He was at the restaurant when this all went down. Right before it happened we all had a meeting, when everyone left to go home Niall stayed. As Zayd, Ian, and I returned home the girls were leaving," Luke calmly explained.

"I'll ask again, where the fuck are Zia and Zaria?" Zayn questioned as he pulled a gun out of his waistband and aimed it at Niall's head.

"I didn't think he'd take them. He said he wanted Zayd not the girls."

"Who?!" All five men shouted at the same time.

"He goes by Scoot," Niall said quietly.

"What do you mean he goes by Scoot? What the fuck kind of name is that?"

Zayd shrugged himself out of Luke's and Ian's grasp before turning to look at his boyfriend.

"Scoot is who connected me to Luke. He is who supplied me the drugs while in Greece," Zayd explained.

"Scoot's real name is Michael Scott. He never said why he goes by Scoot but that's what he is known as. He is also the son of a police officer," Luke said while maintaining eye contact with Zayd.

"Well that explains why the cop asked me where the drugs were when the girls and I were busted at that party. He's a fucking narc."

"How does he know you Luke?" Ian questioned.

"Hold on, before you answer that Luke. Who the fuck are you?" Liam directed his question to Ian.

"Ian, Zia's boyfriend and boss and I also manage majority of the sales in Minnesota. Niall brought me on shortly after you, Zayn, and the triplets left to Greece," Ian explained.

"If you had a problem with managing everything, why didn't you talk to Harry or myself?" Liam asked Niall.

"You both stepped back. You had to raise the triplets and Harry was busy with Louis. I've known Ian since we were kids and knew he was a businessman so I brought him aboard. None of that fucking matters though," Niall explained.

"So anyways, this is a lot of shit to unpack and process. But Scoot helped recruit me back when I first became a member, he introduced me to Niall. Then, he never gave me specifics but, he said he had to leave America, around the same time You and Zayn left. After Niall took over Scoot left and I hadn't heard from him again until he called me when Zayd was looking for a place to stay," Luke stayed calm as he explained everything that he knew.

"Why does he want Zayd? What are his plans?" Liam questioned, out in the open.

"I think the bigger question here, is why was he following you Liam?" Ian asked.

"I've never heard of him. Who is his dad? because I got Zayd's possession charge dropped and nobody mentioned an officer Scott, assuming they have the same last name. This makes no sense."

"Wasn't there a member that you had shot and killed back right before you met Zayn, for being a narc? What was their name?" Niall asked as he slowly moved away from the gun that was still aimed at him.

"I've killed plenty of people Niall. You got to be a little more specific here."

"Harry should know, he kept track of everyone that we killed or that someone else killed. Speaking of which where is he?"

"On the way, hopefully. Until then, we need to find the girls," Liam stated as he got off of the desk he was leaned against and walked over to Zayn.

"I'll try and contact Scoot, he called me as I was standing outside the restaurant waiting for the girls to arrive," Niall responded.


Haii there!!!

A lot to unpack and process in this chapter. It will all make sense in the end.

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Love all of you


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