Chapter Twelve

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"Do not catch an attitude with me Zayn," Liam warned.
"You would have gotten to orgasm had you not been a smart ass to me."

"In case my fuck you wasn't clear enough earlier, I'll say this. Fuck off." Zayn slid his clothes on, staying shirtless, before walking out of the bedroom and going downstairs.

Liam watched as his submissive disappeared down the steps. He decided to change out of the suit he was wearing and into a pair of basket ball shorts. Being like Zayn and forgoing a shirt. He then walked downstairs and saw Zayn sitting on the couch, staring at the blank television screen.

"Kneel," Liam ordered as he sat down on the couch next to Zayn.

"Wha- why?"

"We need to have a conversation, so kneel."

"I think siting here would be fine."

"Now Zayn."

Liam watched while Zayn slid off of the couch and kneeled on the floor, head down.

"Thank you baby. Look up at me."
Liam waited for Zayn to look up before continuing to talk.
"I want you to tell me how you are feeling currently."


"Why are you frustrated?"

"I I don't know."

"Okay, you sit there and think about why you're frustrated baby," Liam said as he grabbed a magazine off of the table that was infront of them.

He skimmed through it, taking glances at Zayn often. While the submissive was in deep thought.

"I did nothing wrong," Zayn whispered.

"Continue," Liam said as he put the magazine down.

"I'm frustrated because I did nothing wrong and you're treating me as if I did. I'm frustrated because I didn't break any of your stupid precious rules, yet I didn't get to come because I was a "smart ass." But you only said that because you realized I didn't break any rules," Zayn explained.

"Are you ready to listen to what I have to say?" Liam asked.


"I will start this off by saying your feelings are valid and I don't want you to ever think otherwise. I understand why you are frustrated-"

"Do you really?"

"Okay, I'll let that slide. I may not understand fully but to a certain extent-"

"Stop the bullshit, you don't have to worry about rules or getting in trouble for bullshit fucking reasons."

"Are you good? Can I talk now without you interrupting me?"


"Thank you. Now as I was saying, I may not fully understand your frustrations entirely. But I understand you being frustrated with not being allowed to come. I assumed with the "no coming without permission" rule, you'd realize that also means no touching. I apologize for not being clear with that. I woul-"


"Aht, stop interrupting me. My patience is wearing very thin Zayn. I'm about to have you go stand in a corner if you don't wait your turn to talk," Liam warned.

"I don't give a fuck about no corner," Zayn mumbled, audibly because Liam heard each word.

"You can go find one to stand in then. Clearly having a conversation with you right now isn't working," Liam said as he sat so his back was against the couch.

"Seriously? Am I five?"

"You can either go stand in the corner and think. Or. I can put you over my knee and you can think there while I'm spanking you for being disrespectful and for your excessive swearing. Which would you prefer?"


"Choose, before I choose for you."

"Ugh, whatever," Zayn said as he stood up and stomped towards a corner.

"Stop being a brat."

"Suck my dick and fuck off."

"Actually, that doesn't sound like a bad idea," Liam said as he stood up.
"Follow me." Liam held his hand out for Zayn to take.

The two walked up to the master bedroom where Liam had Zayn take his sweats and panties off before sitting him on the edge of the bed.

"For each noise you make that'll be 5 spanks. Oh and I'll decide if and when you come," Liam said as he squatted infront of Zayn

"Wha- why?"

"Edging babydoll."


Haii there!!!

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