Chapter Nine

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"Answer one more question and then I will stop, "what's your favorite position?"


"Wait what."


"How are you a virgin?"

"Uh by not participating in having a díck stuffed in me? By not participating in the getting sweaty and dirty? By no-"

"Okay, I get it."

"You sure cause I can continue."

"I am sure babydoll. But before we even continue anything I'll need you to have some type of experience in séx," Liam explained.

"I am a perfect little angel, now why would I have ruined that by participating in the dingly dangly?" Zayn asked.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes I am."

"Well this kinda halts any further conversation about being in a dominant and submissive dynamic."

"Wait, but why?"

"It's not a bad thing but you're entirely inexperienced. You're a college student I honestly assumed you were séxually active."

"Well that's what you get for assuming. So, what do I have to go fúck some random dude, and then we can continue the conversation?" Zayn asked while rolling his eyes.

"I'd prefer not sweetcheeks."

"Oh, what would you prefer?"

Liam leaned down and whispered in Zayn's ear, "Me." before kissing the outer shell of it.

"Well what are you waiting for daddy?"

"You to actually be ready. You obviously have been waiting for the right guy and you don't really know if that's me," Liam gently explained.

"Let me just shush you right there sir. You are literally going to teach me about the world of domination and submission, I think you're the one I should lose my virginity to. Plus better you than some frat boy who probably has a shrimp díck and a million and one std's."

"Are you certain?"


"Okay, let's go to my bedroom."

Liam led Zayn to his bedroom where he sat the twink on his bed.

"Get undressed baby, I wanna watch you as you take it off."

Zayn slowly and shyly got undressed while Liam watched intently.

"Nice tattoos babydoll. Mind if I take a closer look?" Liam asked as Zayn took his shirt off.

Zayn slowly shook his head while biting his lip. Before he could process what Liam was doing, he was on his back with Liam on top of him.

"Nice and close princess," Liam said before kissing the lips in the middle of Zayn's chest.
"I'll be slow and gentle, okay princess?" Liam assured.

When Zayn nodded his head in agreement, Liam took that as the okay and started kissing up and down ty twinks body. Stopping at his nipples to play with one and suck on the other. Liam listened to and took in all the noises that Zayn was making. Liam stopped his upper half exploration with a kiss to Zayn's forehead.

"I think it's time these come off babydoll," Liam said as he snapped the waistband of Zayn's sweatpants.

Liam leant back to take off his own shirt, before getting off of Zayn.

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