Final Chapter

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*Ten Years Later*

Liam took a step back from the gang life. When his mother, Zayn, the triplets, and himself had landed in Greece he realized it wasn't worth it anymore, especially now that he and Zayn had the triplets to care for full time. He stepped back shortly after Harry killed Aubrey and threw both Aubrey and Isa's bodies in the fire. He didn't want to end up being killed, he wanted to be there for his new family. His mother approved of his decision and Niall decided he was going to take over. Niall didn't have anyone to live for, so if he was ever killed no one important would miss him. Harry had also stepped back, slightly, after his Louis was almost killed. Yes, Louis survived being shot three times in the abdomen and once in the shoulder. Harry assisted Niall when necessary but he wasn't going out and putting his life on the line like Niall was.
Louis put himself through rehab to get clean and has managed to stay clean for five years now. He surprised himself with how easy it's been for him to stay clean when he is still around drugs, but he has managed. Louis and Zayn have made up and became best friends again. He was the greatest uncle to the triplets, they told him so. It took awhile for Zayn to forgive Louis, but it did happen. The two were always inseparable, they both knew eventually they'd be friends again. It was just a matter of time. Niall, Harry, and Louis stayed in America, visiting Liam and Zayn often.

Currently today was the triplets first day of high school. They definitely weren't thrilled. Nobody knows if it's because Zayn forced them to take a million and one pictures, his babies were no longer babies as he put it, or because the trio were unintentionally wearing matching outfits. Nonetheless they were upset.
Through out the years the triplets personalities have really shown through.
Zaria and Zayd became more shy and quiet, whereas Zia is more outgoing, popular, friends with everyone. A stark opposite from when they were toddlers.

"Are you done taking pictures yet?" Zia wondered while rolling her eyes.

"Yes ma'am," Zayn said as he put his phone away.

"Fina-fucking-ly, took you long enough."

"Hey!" Liam shouted.
"You don't swear."

"Yet, I just did."

"No need for the attitude either, Zia."

"Oooh what are you going to do ground me? I'm so scared," Zia said sarcastically.
"Now if you don't mind, I'd prefer not to be late." With that Zia left and began the walk to school, the school was within walking distance from their home.

Zaria and Zayd followed behind her, as per usual. It wasn't unusual for Zia to start anything with their guardians, they were used to it at this point. When the three got to school, Zia went to mingle with her friends while Zaria and Zayd kept to themselves.
Zaria and Zayd preferred being by themselves anyways, less drama. If they really wanted to be nosy and wanted to know anything they just had to ask Zia. She wasn't able to keep quiet about anything, if her life depended on it.

The triplets day at school was an uneventful normal day. Zaria and Zayd had majority of the same classes, they were into similar things. Whereas Zia had only one class with her triplet siblings. Not that she interacted with them, ever since middle school she'd act like she didn't know them. Nobody was expecting her to change. When they got home Zaria and Zayd went up to their rooms while Zia stayed downstairs, she was told to by Zayn and Liam.

"I don't appreciate you being disrespectful and swearing," Zayn said as the three of them sat at the kitchen table.

"I don't appreciate you telling me what I can and can't do. You're not my parent," Zia responded, knowing it would upset her guardians.

"Until you are the age of eighteen you have no choice but to listen to Zayn and I. Now give me your phone." Liam held his hand out for the mobile device.

"Fuck off. We wouldn't even be here in this situation had you not killed my fucking parents!" Zia shouted.

The triplets were told about their parents demise when they were old enough to understand, which was four years ago.


Haii there!!!

This is in fact the final chapter. But I'll be doing a sequel/part two.
Which will be started soon.

Hope you guys liked this chapter.

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Thank you

Love all of you


Home With You (Ziam) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang