Year 7 Chapter 2

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Harry Potter doesn't belong to me, but to JK Rowling

Chapter Two

 Heather and Hagrid didn't remain long at Tonk's parents house. Once their wounds had been tended to, very expertly in Heather's opinion, she and Hagrid used the prearranged portkey to travel on to the Burrow. Before leaving, Heather promised that she would tell Tonks to send word. "I'll make sure you know anything in case Tonks...In case she's busy" she finished, her voice catching in her throat. From the look on Ted Tonk's face, he knew what she had been about to say.

 With the sensation of a hook being pulled behind her navel, the portkey glowed blue and transported them to the Burrow, landing them roughly in the Weasley's garden. There were screams and Heather stood up to see Mrs. Weasley running towards them, followed by a very pale Ginny. Frantically, Mrs. Weasley asked if she was the real Harry before asking what had happened. Heather let Hagrid explain while Mrs. Weasley led him towards the kitchen for some "medicinal brandy." Ginny and Heather stayed in the yard, looking up at the nights sky. According to Ginny, Heather and Hagrid were supposed to be the second back after Ron and Tonks, but there was still no sight of them.

 With a cry, Ginny pointed toward a growing blue orb some ten feet away that resolved itself into Lupin supporting George, who was covered in blood. Heather rushed to them and helped Lupin carry the unconscious redhead into the sitting room. His entire ear was missing. Mrs. Weasley started stripping away his shirt, and despite the severity of the situation a small part of Heather's mind was relieved that George had completely changed back into himself. Too many people had seen her body tonight.

 As her brain finished up this train of thought and was just beginning to realize how ludicrous it was, a hand roughly grabbed her by the shoulder and shoved her against the stone fireplace. Lupin stood there, his wand level with Heather's nose. He apparently wasn't convinced that she was who she said she was, not without proof.

"What creature sat in the corner of my office the first time that Harry Potter visited it at Hogwarts?" he demanded, and sparks erupted from the end of his wand that only barely missed Heather's eyes.

"A grindylow, I think." She sputtered.

 With a nod and a look of intense relief, Lupin released her and apologized. They had been betrayed, and he had needed to know the truth. Heather understood, though her shoulder hurt where he had shoved it into the hard stone. Over the next half hour, most of the rest of the Order trickled in, each in turn checked to ensure they were who they claimed to be. When Bill and Fleur arrived, they brought news that Mad-Eye had been killed, struck by a killing curse from Voldemort himself. The silence that filled the room at this news wasn't broken for ten minutes as every tried their best to accept it.

 Once conversation resumed, no one wanted to talk about anything but who the traitor had been, as it was clear someone had told the Death Eater's the real date that Heather was to be moved. Mundungus was the first suspect, since he had fled the battle when he saw Voldemort coming directly at him. Bill shot this idea down, because it had been Mundungus' idea to have six duplicates in the first place, and the Death Eater's had not been prepared for that. Heather didn't believe that any of her friends could ever knowingly betray her, something that Lupin observed with rye amusement.

 Heather left the crowded room, too overcome to continue listening to anyone and walked out into the garden. As she passed through the kitchen, she spied her rucksack propped against a table leg and hefted it, not sure if she was intending to stay or leave immediately. As they had a tendency to do, Hermione and Ron had already predicted this and followed her. As they stood there, debating with Heather that she needed to stay, at least until after her birthday, her scar erupted in pain for the second time that night. She saw in her mind Voldemort crossing a dark room, standing over the cowering figure of Ollivander and demanding to know why Lucius Malfoy's wand had failed. When the frail, old wandmaker couldn't explain it, Voldemort tortured him.

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