Year 4 Chapter 8

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Author's notes: Forgive me again for condensing scenes from the book so as not to simply rewrite what I don't want to change. This will mostly be a filler chapter, but I didn't want to skip over it.

Harry Potter and everything magical in his world belongs to JK Rowling, not me.

For anyone who skipped it, here's the recap of the last chapter.

Harry has breakfast the day after his name comes out of the goblet with Hermione, where she reassures him that she didn't think he entered himself in the tournament. Ginny stands up to Ron for Harry after she overhears him saying some very nasty things about him in the common room. The school turns on Harry, and he starts slipping into a depressed state, not eating or sleeping, struggling on homework, and being overwhelmed with a feeling of shame every time he looks at his girl clothes. Rita Skeeter's article about him after the Weighing of the Wands ceremony includes a paragraph about how he smells like a girl, and hints at him not liking girls. Then an older student breaks into his dormitory and shows the common room his copies of Witch Weekly. All this leads Harry to purge and give everything back to Hermione, saying he's done with being a girl. While eating with him in the kitchens, Dobby tells Hermione that Harry isn't eating, and that he's worried about him.

Chapter Eight

November trudged on, the days getting colder and colder. The atmosphere of the castle was full of excitement over the First Task, which was to take place on November 24th. Everyone was placing bets on what the champions would have to face, and even on which of them wouldn't make it out. The Slytherin's were loudly betting that Harry would be the next casualty of the tournament, despite the safety precautions. Outwardly, Harry had seemed to come back somewhat from the mood that had overtaken him since Rita Skeeter's article had come out. In many ways the excitement over the upcoming task had shifted everyone's interest away from his personal habits, something he was greatly relieved about. He was spending most of his spare time in the library with Hermione and Ginny, who despite him not wanting to be a girl anymore, were still his closest friends. When Ginny had been told what had happened in the bathroom, or part of it anyway, she had hugged him and said she understood, "It doesn't change anything between us. I'm still your friend." Harry had needed a lot of help from Hermione with his Charms homework lately. Earlier in the month Professor Flitwick had taught them the summoning charm, and while Hermione had picked it up with ease, Harry was having difficulties with it. "It's just a matter of concentration," She told him one day as she summoned a book to her outstretched hand. He was also having trouble focusing on his other classes as well. Even though he was eating more and the dark circles under his eyes were fading, he still wasn't back to his old self. He'd taken some evenings to flying his Firebolt around the empty quidditch pitch. It was strange to see all the colorful awnings removed and just the bare framework of the stands looking naked. Though flying was helping uplift his mood, Hermione was still worried. Harry was still just as closed off as ever in her opinion, though he was doing a better job of hiding it. In truth most of what was weighing on Harry's mind these days was the upcoming task. None of the champions had been given any clue about what they were going to face, and his nerves were starting to get the better of him.The Saturday before the task was a Hogsmeade Weekend. Now that Harry had permission to visit the village, Hermione and Ginny talked him into coming with them. He agreed, on the condition that he wore his invisibility cloak. He had no desire to be gawked at by everyone in the village. And so, the morning of the trip he set off with them, pulling his cloak on after they'd passed the gates. Hermione and Ginny debated going shopping, but after a terse word or two from Harry thought better of it. So they walked the high street chatting while Harry followed. It was difficult to move while invisible. He kept knocking into people or stepping on toes. It was nice however to get out of school, the air seemed freer here in the village.An hour or so later, their faces red with cold, the three of them got a table at the Three Broomsticks pub. Hermione slipped Harry his butterbeer under the cloak, and all three of them idly chatted, doing their best not to talk about the First Task. Harry forgot he was under the cloak when Hagrid and Mad Eye Moody walked in. He waved at Hagrid, who of course didn't see him. Moody did however, and whispered something into Hagrid's ear. After getting a drink from the bar, Hagrid sidled over to their table and whispered to the supposedly empty chair Harry was sitting in, "Harry, come see me tonight at midnight behind my cabin. Bring that cloak."Not sure what to expect, and also worrying about being late for his meeting with Sirius, Harry left Gryffindor tower at half past eleven. The corridors were deserted, and he checked the map regularly to make sure he really was alone. When he got to Hagrid's, he followed him, and to his surprise Madame Maxime, into the forest. What he saw sent a chill of fear down his spine.In the darkness were four huge dragons. About wizards were running around trying to subdue them. As the three of them approached, one of the wizards broke off and approached. It was Charlie Weasley. Harry felt his face do the usual flush red when he saw him but quickly stamped the feeling back down. He was a bloke, he told himself. Blokes like girls. The color receded from his face and he checked his watch. Almost twenty minutes to one o'clock.Deciding that between dragons and Madame Maxime, Hagrid would never know he had left, Harry raced back towards the castle. On his way out of the forest he barely missed running into Igor Karkaroff, who must have seen Hagrid and Madame Maxime come this way. He made it to the Common Room just as the clock tower chimed midnight. With a pop, Sirius's face appeared in the flames."Sirius, are you ok?" Harry breathed, checking over his shoulder to see if anyone was there. The common room was completed deserted."Never mind about me, tell me everything about you." The face said. It was fuller than when he'd escaped Azkaban, and his hair was clean.Harry paused not knowing where to start. Then he let go and everything about Ron, and the Daily Prophet article, and the rest of the school, came flooding out. He avoided making any mention of what he's been up to with Hermione, and he knew it sounded like he wasn't saying everything. At last he came to the dragons."Dragons we can handle, but I don't have much time." He then went on to tell Harry about Igor Karkaroff being a death eater, and to watch out for him. "I've been hearing very strange rumors since I escaped, and it all makes me feel uneasy. Voldemort's supporters show up, and moments later so does his mark, a known death eater comes to Hogwarts and your name comes out of the Goblet of Fire. No Harry, none of this makes me feel easy. Now, before we talk about that dragon there's something I want to say to you.""What?" Harry asked."I read between the lines of that article and want you to know that no matter who you are, you're still my godson, you understand?""Sirius-" but he cut off as he heard footsteps on the staircase. "Go!" he hissed loudly and with a pop Sirius's face vanished.It was only Ron in his pajamas. "Oh, it's you. Who were you talking to?" He asked, stopping short at the sight of Harry."None of your business" Harry replied, rising from in front of the fire and crossing his arms."I was just wondering where you had gotten off to-" he started to say then cut himself off. "Never mind, I'm going back to bed." Harry, his anger rising at Ron again, threw a Support Cedric Diggory badge at his retreating back, then followed him up the stairs.***** In the end, the task wasn't nearly as hard as Harry was expecting. On a hint from Mad Eye Moody, and a lot of extra summoning charm practice with Hermione, Harry was able to complete the task faster than any other champion. As he reentered the champions' tent, Firebolt in hand, Madam Pomfrey was tending to Diggory, who had a bad cut on his shoulder. He was directed towards a cot in a corner so that his scrapes could be look at. Leaning his Firebolt up against the canvas siding, he looked around. None of the champions were talking. The leftover tension in his body didn't let Harry sit still, and he was soon pacing next to the cot. He looked up at the sound of hurried footsteps. Coming around the cloth barrier between his and the next cot, Hermione threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly. "Harry! You were fantastic!" She cried.Harry held her but his eyes locked with the person standing behind her. His smile had taken on a somewhat fixed quality. After a moment he broke out of the hug with Hermione and stood there, staring at Ron, arms crossed. Ron's face was white, and he stared at Harry as though he had no idea what to say. The two stood there, Hermione in the middle, looking at each of them in turn. After almost a whole minute of silence, Ron spoke."Harry, whoever put your name in for this tournament, I reckon they're trying to kill you." "Oh? Finally figured it out, have you?" Harry asked, anger very present in his voice."Yeah," Ron said. "I-" he started, losing his nerve for a moment, "I shouldn't have said those things to you Harry.""No. You shouldn't have. Or the things you said about me" Harry replied, his anger shifting to a cold fury as he made sure Ron knew he'd heard about everything Ron had said."I'm sorry, Harry." Ron said, and hesitantly held out his hand.For a moment, Harry thought about smacking it away and walking out of the tent, or possibly even punching Ron. Then he came to realize that none of what Ron said mattered anymore. After all, he was done with all that girly nonsense. He was a boy, and Ron was right to say what he said. Slowly, he walked over to Ron. At first he recoiled, fearing Harry would punch him, but Harry held out his hand and took Ron's."Forget it, Ron. It's all good." He said, a grin coming onto his face.Together they made their way out into the enclosure, where Harry was awarded enough points to put him tied for first place with Krum.

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