Year 6 Chapter 7

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Author's Notes:

As always, Harry Potter and everything around him does not belong to me. It's JK Rowling's sandbox, I'm just messing it up for her.

Chapter Seven

 September came to an end with remarkable swiftness for Heather. She had never quite understood Oliver Wood or Angelina Johnson's intense fervor for practices until now. The pressure to bring home the cup for Gryffindor rested entirely on her shoulders, and it was a palpable presence. Several practices in she felt that her team had a decent chance of doing well, at least once they found a way to mesh together. Ron was probably the weakest link of them all, she told herself during their fifth practice. As they had last year, his nerves caused him to make mistakes and let in goals, which only made his nerves worse and let in even more. After a very rough hour and a half one Friday evening, Heather called a halt. The wind was starting to rise with the onset of a storm, and she for one had spent enough evenings frozen to her broom to relish having to do it again before winter arrived.

 As she followed the team through the Entrance Hall, Heather saw Hermione waiting for them at the top of the Marble Staircase.

"It's ready" Hermione whispered to Heather and Ginny when she had pulled them aside.

"What is?" asked Heather, mind set firmly on a nice hot shower when she got upstairs. One of things that had changed most about her since embracing Heather was a deep dislike of being sweaty if a shower was anywhere nearby.

"Your potion" Hermione hissed trying not to be overheard.

That brought Heather back to the moment, and she gaped at her friend. "You mean it?"

Hermione nodded, grinning from ear to ear. At the first intersection on the first-floor, the three of them broke away from the rest of the team and dashed to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Heather no longer cared how grimy and sweaty she was from practice, her only thought was of starting her potions.

 Once they had locked the door behind them Hermione moved the cauldron out to one of the sinks. It bubbled and smoked as it sat there, giving off a not entirely pleasant odor. Heather had halfway expected it to resemble the congealed mud appearance of Polyjuice Potion and so was pleasantly surprised. Hermione ladled some of it into a goblet, then filled four phials and sealed them.

"Here, this is for you to take now, and these will get you through the next few months." She said, handing Heather the goblet.

 Excited and nervous, Heather raised the cup towards her lip, but before she could drink Hermione stopped her.

"I just have to ask, are you absolutely sure about this?" she asked.

"What do you mean am I sure?" Heather asked incredulously.

"I just, this is a huge change for you. Of course I love and support you, I just want to make sure you've completely thought this through."

Heather contemplated her for a moment, before raising the goblet to her lips and drinking the contents in one gulp. The potion burned as it slid down her throat, and seemed to radiate until every part of her body was on fire. It wasn't painful exactly, but it made her skin crawl. The effects only lasted a moment before they faded, leaving Heather somewhat winded. She looked at Hermione whose eyes had gone wide and said "One hundred percent sure."

 After a moment Hermione's eyes relaxed and she smiled, before throwing herself at Heather for a bone crushing hug. Ginny joined in, causing Hermione to complain about how badly they smelled. After they broke apart, Hermione handed the four phials to Heather, who stuffed them into her robes.

"Remember, one of those every two weeks." She admonished, as if Heather could forget.

 The next day Heather tried to determine if she felt any different. Even though she knew nothing would be noticeable yet, she still took an extremely long time taking in her reflection in the mirror after her shower. She cupped her chest in her hands, knowing she looked slightly foolish, but wishing longingly for the day there was something there.

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