Year 3 Chapter 5

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Author's Notes: Chapter 5 will mostly focus on Christmas which is wear the first major plot change from the book happens. Please note that I stayed mostly true to the spirit of the dialogue from the book but changed it slightly.

All characters, places, events, etc belong to JK Rowling.

Chapter Five

Christmas morning broke sunny and bright with Harry sleeping in his loaned pajamas. He woke to Hermione striding into the dormitory, carrying her pile of Christmas presents so they could open them together. Harry sat up pulling his glasses, before grabbing the pink robe that was hanging next to his bed. Two nights into wearing girl's pajamas, Harry was getting used to how they felt and loved them. He grabbed his pile and greedily pulled it towards him, already recognizing the wrapping of the top gift. As he expected, it was the usual Christmas sweater from Mrs. Weasley, this year scarlet with the Gryffindor lion knitted on it, along with some baked goods which he started nibbling on. Next Hermione handed him her present, which he opened to see a small necklace with a heart shaped charm on it. Hermione slid behind him and clipped the chain behind his neck, letting the charm fall onto his chest where it rested right above the collar of his nightdress."It's beautiful, thank you" he said turning to hug her. "I figured you could use one piece of jewelry" she replied, opening the book Harry had gotten her, knowing that when in doubt it was the best thing to buy Hermione. She had been incredibly jealous of the Weasley's getting to go learn about the Egyptian Wizards last summer, and when he had seen a book about them in Flourish and Blott's during his many wanderings of Diagon Alley, he knew he had to get it for her. The next present to attract his attention was a long skinny one. Pulling it to him he opened it and couldn't contain his gasp as a broom fell out onto his lap. Hermione's jaw dropped and she came closer."I don't believe it" Harry gasped looking at the gleaming Firebolt stamped on the handle over the registration number. At his touch it hovered beside the bed, vibrating as though eagerly waiting for him to mount it. Standing up to get a better look, it took him a moment to see that Hermione was ignoring the broomstick, and instead was digging around in the wrapping it came in."What's wrong" he asked, puzzled and only giving her a fraction of his attention."I'm looking for a note or a card that came with it." She replied"I didn't see one" He said, turning his full attention back to the broomstick.When she was done, she straightened up and stared at the broom, and not quite happy expression on her face. "It's a bit odd. This is supposed to be one of the best brooms out there, right?"Harry, used to his friend's lack of knowledge about anything Quidditch related, responded "It's the best broom there is.""It must've cost a lot of money..." she said, her voice trailing off."Probably more than a dozen Nimbus 2000's" said Harry."So, who would send you that and not leave a note?" She asked him."I really don't know, Hermione." He responded, not sure if he really cared or not."Harry," she said putting her hand on his which still rested on the Firebolt's handle, "I don't think you should ride this broom.""Why not?" Harry cried, looking at her with wide eyes."Because..." she faltered and then spoke back up, "Because I think that broom was sent by Sirius Black."It was several moments before Harry fully digested what she had said "Come on Hermione, Black's on the run. How could he have gone to Diagon Alley and bought this broom?" He would have laughed at the incredulity of this idea, if it weren't for the expression of concern and fear on Hermione's face."I don't know but I don't like this." She said, eyes full of conviction, "Harry, he's after you and intent on murdering you. Who's to say what he could do? He's made it past the dementors twice now, even somehow managing to enter Hogwarts, so there's no reason to think he can't have gotten into Diagon Alley." Harry sat down and stared at the beautiful broomstick hovering before him. He didn't want to believe her, he wanted to climb onto it and fly off right now, deep down a reluctant part of him had to admit that she had a point. It was painful, but didn't he owe it after the last few days to take what Hermione said seriously? She had accepted him, dressed him in her clothes, helped him learn more about this side of him, instead of running screaming and calling him a freak. Coupled with this, that same small part of him also recognized his willingness to throw caution to the wind when he saw something he wanted, often to his own pain later. It was close to a minute before that voice won out, and he let out a long, sad sigh. "What do you want me to do Hermione, throw it away?""Of course not" she replied, relief replacing the concern as it seemed he was actually listening to her, "But we should take it to a teacher, like Professor McGonagall." Pushing the broomstick away from him resignedly, Harry returned to what was left of his presents. These were somewhat anti-climatic in the wake of the Firebolt, and a damp mood had fallen over both of them. It wasn't long before littered paper covered the floor and bedspreads, and Hermione returned to her dormitory to change for breakfast, leaving Harry to get dressed. He debated wearing his bra under his new sweater but was afraid that the ever sharp-eyed Professor McGonagall might be able to detect it. Fifteen minutes later he met Hermione, and they left for the Great Hall. Harry carried the Firebolt over his shoulder feeling like a convicted soldier on his way to a firing party. When they arrived in the Great Hall, both of them were relieved it was practically empty except for a few professors. They bypassed the Gryffindor Table and made straight for the table at the top of the hall. Professor McGonagall looked up over her copy of the Daily Prophet as they approached, her eyes going wide when she saw what was sitting on Harry's shoulder. Madam Hooch, who was seated several seats down had seen it too, and quickly made her way over to get a closer look."Potter, what is that?" Professor McGonagall gasped, loud enough for everyone in the empty hall to hear and look around."A Firebolt, Professor. It was sent to me as a Christmas present," Harry replied with a heavy heart, "But there was no note.""No note?" said Professor McGonagallwarily, arching an eyebrow. "So, you have no idea who sent this to you Potter?""No, Professor. And after what you told me a few weeks ago about Sirius Black, I..." he paused and looked at Hermione, "We thought it was safer to bring it to you for inspection before I try riding it."Professor McGonagall gave them both a very piercing gaze and Harry was sure she knew what he'd left unsaid about who's idea this was. "Well Potter, I'm glad you brought this too me. I'm sorry to say that I agree with you and Ms. Granger. I'm afraid I'll have to take this from you.""W-what?" asked Harry"It'll need to be checked for hexes and curses" Professor McGonagall replied reaching over the table to pluck the broomstick from Harry's grip. Turning to look at Madam Hooch, she asked "How long do you think it will take you and Professor Flitwick to strip this down and check it thoroughly?""A few weeks possibly, I'll have to consult Professor Flitwick" Madam Hooch replied, looking at Harry's shocked and downcast face, "Don't worry Potter, we'll be sure to take excellent care of it and if it checks out you won't even know we've done anything to it."Harry simply nodded, the lump in his throat stopping him from speaking."You may both go eat now" said Professor McGonagall, dismissing them. Harry could feel her eyes on his back as they made their way down to the Gryffindor Table. They both ate quickly, neither of them feeling very hungry, before returning to Gryffindor Tower. Hermione helped Harry get transformed again but it took a while before he was able to come out of the slump of losing his new broomstick. In an attempt to distract him, Hermione produced a fresh copy of Witch Weekly she had found and they had a good laugh taking the "Discover your secret type" quiz as they sat on Harry's bed. As it turned out, Harry was destined to fall for the outdoorsy, devil may care type, while Hermione's answers revealed that she liked athletes. When they were done Harry put the magazine on the growing stack he was hoarding. Between what he and Hermione had found scattered around the common room, and Hermione raiding her dormitory for old copies, Harry now had almost a dozen editions. Not wanting to end the good mood with research, the rest of the morning was spent laughing about who they thought would fit their "types." Remembering his quiz results, Hermione jokingly suggested that Fred of George would certainly fit the bill, to which Harry rolled his eyes and smacked her with a pillow. In revenge, Harry started listing off quidditch players for Hermione, and noted with glee her face went bright red at the mention of Oliver Wood. This led to more than an hour of needling before she would admit to holding a small crush on him.Time passed quickly and before they realized it, lunch time had come. Entering the hall, they were both surprised to see that there was only one table instead of the usual house tables. Dumbledore presided, saying that everyone scattering to the house tables was rather unnecessary, and inviting the two to sit. It was looking like the makings of a fabulous Christmas Lunch until Professor Trelawny came down from her tower to join them. Her presence there, along with Harry's desire to enjoy every possible minute he could dressed up, pushed them to eat quickly and retire to the common room. For the remainder of the holidays Harry and Hermione enjoyed having the entire tower to themselves. Hermione ordered Harry a basic make up set by borrowing Hedwig, promising to keep it in her trunk for safety after the rest of the school returned. When it arrived two days later, Harry spent all day trying it out, with some horrendous results. He badly botched applying eye liner, shadow, and lipstick, reminding him vividly of the clowns he had seen on a television program once when he snuck out of his cupboard while the Dursley's were out. Research for the trial continued but they both agreed they'd given enough time over to it during the past few days and wanted to relax. In addition, the last day before the rest of the school returned, Instead, Hermione used the time to begin trying to get ahead on her many subjects, leaving Harry alone with his thoughts. Without any other ways to distract himself, he eventually copied this behavior and started getting ahead in all of his classes except Divination. Though niether of them were looking forward to it, the last night of freedom before the rest of the school returned arrived. Together they went through Harry's trunk and removed almost anything that could be mistaken for a girls into a large bag Hermione had brought. "I hope this won't be the last time we get to do this" Harry said as he watched her stuff most of the clothing she had given him into her bag."It won't be Harry, but you won't be able to keep this secret with a lot of girls clothes in your trunk" Hermione reasoned."I know, you're right. As usual." Harry said with a smirk. Under an old sweater of Dudley's he was sure to never grab accidentally to wear was stashed the knickers and bras, Hermione didn't want them back, along with her old uniform and the necklace Harry had got for Christmas, along with the magazines and other treasured items in Harry's 'girl stash'. "I still want you to use the body wash and such you've been using. In case you hadn't noticed your hair is behaving a lot more since you've been using them." She said after double checking to make sure nothing had been missed, then standing up. This was true, Harry had been thinking it as he had brushed his hair yesterday. For the first time in his life, his black hair was starting to behave, rather than simply sticking up each and every way. "How am I supposed to do that?" Harry asked, "I can't exactly go shower with three pink bottles, not to mention the smell is going to be noticed." He had already stopped actively noticing it, but he was sure that the other boys certainly would. The fragrance of flowers was a strong contrast to the usual odor of smelly socks and sweat that usually pervaded the dormitory."Don't worry about that" Hermione responded, pulling three nondescript bottles out of her bag. "These are your old shampoo bottles I emptied and refilled with what you've been using. And as for the scent, I've done my best to dilute it as much as I can, but you're still going to smell like a girl. You don't have to use them, but I recommend it.""Aren't the other boys going to notice that and make fun of me for it?" Harry asked not looking forward to that conversation."Maybe, but if they do just say you like the scent or something" Hermione suggested, closing the lid of the trunk. "Now, as for the clothes I left you, I think you should try and wear them when you can. When they need to be washed smuggle them to me and I'll get them back to you clean. I expect when everyone comes back, we'll have more trouble finding time to be girls together, but I promise we'll do what we can."Harry hugged her, throwing both arms around her neck and pulling her tightly. "Thank you so much for this, Hermione""You're welcome, Harry" She replied, holding him close. Not long after she left to go to bed. Falling asleep that night felt wrong in a way that he couldn't immediately put his finger on. He hadn't truly realized just how comfortable Hermione's pajamas had been until now. His old ones felt different, but he wasn't entirely sure how. Not wrong necessarily, but also not right anymore. It was after several hours of tossing and turning he finally managed to fall asleep, dreaming of his next chance to be a girl.

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