Year 6 Chapter 6

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Harry Potter does not belong to me, but to JK Rowling.

Chapter Six

 By Saturday Heather was afraid that her friendship with Hermione was seriously on the rocks. Ginny had approached them both earlier wanting to see if they could sneak off to the Room of requirement that weekend to 'let Heather out again.' Hermione had agreed, but not as quickly as Heather would have expected. With her first lesson with Dumbledore scheduled for that evening, the three of them made their way up to the seventh-floor corridor after lunch. Reaching the familiar stretch of blank wall, Heather paced back and forth asking for her haven. After the third pass, she turned expecting to see the door materialize out of nothing. To her surprise, it wasn't there. She tried again, and nothing.

"What gives?" she asked to the other two.

"Maybe it's broken?" suggested Ginny.

"More likely someone is already in there" grumped Hermione.

 Heather shot a look of annoyance at her friend, before setting off for the second-floor bathroom. A quick check revealed that Myrtle was not hiding in one of the stalls. Following them in and crossing her arms, Ginny asked "So does one of you want to tell me what's going on between you?"

Heather looked at Hermione, who was determinedly staring at a point on the wall past Ginny's shoulder.

"Hermione thinks I'm cheating in Potions." She said, and launched into an explanation of her new textbook and its modified directions. At first Ginny was alarmed at Heather taking directions from a book, evidently remembering her first year. A closer inspection of said book alleviated those fears, but did nothing to help Hermione's mood.

"She is cheating. She's getting credit for someone else's work."

"So?" asked Ginny, "I mean yeah you shouldn't be using those directions Heather, but why is this bugging you so much Hermione?"

"Because..." Hermione started before pausing hesitantly.

"Because I look smarter than you for once?" asked Heather, realization coming to her at the look on her friend's face.

"No!" cried Hermione, but the tint of her cheeks told a different story. At Heather's words they had gone a bright pink.

"I think it is. I think that for once you don't look like the smartest witch in our year and you hate it" accused Heather, heat rising inside her.

"Well, that's what's happening, isn't it? And all because you happened to get a book someone scribbled in!" answered Hermione.

The air was electric between the two girls. Heather glared at her friend. Any willingness to admit that Hermione had a point was gone in a flash. Ginny, sensing trouble, moved to stand in the middle, looking back and forth at them.

"So, you're jealous?" Heather asked.

"Jealous? Jealous of what?" Hermione sputtered with indignation

"I already told you," growled Heather. "The thought that one teacher here might think that you aren't the smartest person in whichever classroom you happen to be in."

"I am not jealous of a cheater who can't even brew a simple potion without extra help."

"Hermione!" admonished Ginny.

Heather stood rooted to the spot, her hot anger turning cold. "If that's how you feel Hermione, then give me the ingredients you bought and the recipe. I'll brew my potions myself."

At these words Hermione deflated slightly, "W-what?"

"You heard me. I'll take that stuff and just do it myself. Since you're obviously too good to help a cheater."

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