Year 6 Chapter 9

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Author's Notes: Hello all, thank you again for reading! I've had a few people comment on Heather leading on and going out with a gay man when she is becoming a girl. Yes, I do realize that that is not the smartest idea. I'm basing a lot of what Heather is doing on what I did when I was her age, and thought I was trans but wasn't comfortable telling the boy I liked. My biggest defense for both my actions and Heathers are that at sixteen, almost everyone is an idiot and makes stupid decisions, especially those of the heart.

As usual, I must state clearly that Harry Potter and everything affiliated with him belongs to JK Rowling.

Chapter Nine

 Much as it had over the summer, time seemed to drag excruciatingly long for the next week. Sometimes Heather was almost sure it had come to a complete stop. Finally, the date of the first Hogsmeade trip of the year arrived. The weather was better than Heather could hope, with one last gasp of summer warmth filling the grounds. The excitement that usually infused the castle at the prospect of a Hogsmeade Weekend was missing this year. Many students who were of age opted not to go to the village, scared that they might come under attack if they left the grounds.

 Heather rose before anyone else and dressed quickly, having all of her clothes already ready to go the night before. She put her hair up in her usual ponytail, wishing she could do more with it. Pulling the jeans Heather briefly considered grabbing one of her usual pairs. They were skin tight around her bottom and thighs, flaring out slightly under the knee. She was still sure that they were girls, despite Ginny firmly saying otherwise, and Heather was worried there would be some comment about them. Nonetheless she couldn't deny that she looked good in them. Over her bra she slipped into the t shirt and jumper, checking to make sure nothing was overtly noticeable. Into a small bag that she was going to leave in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, she shoved the small supply of makeup that Ginny had suggested, some gloves, and a knit hat. Sneaking past her still sleeping roommates, Heather tiptoed down the staircase to the common room and out of the portrait hole.

 Safely ensconced in the bathroom, Heather put on a very light coat of make up. The idea was to emphasize her more feminine features, not to mention hide her scar, without caking it on. Once she was satisfied, she hid her bag of cosmetics, after pulling out the hat and gloves, under one of the benches and left the room. Keeping her head down, she found Ginny and Hermione already at the Gryffindor table, eagerly awaiting her presence.

"You look fantastic!" said Ginny, and for the briefest moment Heather saw a flicker behind her eyes. "Only one thing left." Without warning, she pulled a small bottle from her sleeve and sprayed it on Heather. A strong scent of flowers flooded Heather's nostrils, making her cough slightly and her eyes water.

"W-what was that?" she gasped

"Just a little perfume, it can't hurt right?" asked Ginny.

"Ginny," whispered Hermione, "Heather isn't planning on telling Justin about herself right now."

"I know, but-" she stammered

"It's fine, just next time warn me, ok?" asked Heather. She was only slightly annoyed at the surprise, but it wasn't worth fighting about. In truth she liked the scent a lot, she just wished she could have been the one to choose for her to wear it.

 During this whispered conversation, Heather didn't see Justin enter the hall, but Hermione did. She nudged Heather in the ribs and pointed. Justin was just sitting down, facing them, wearing a rather nice-looking leather jacket and jeans. The jacket was clearly fitted for him, as it sat perfectly on his rather broad shoulders. He poured himself a bowl of cereal before realizing that he was being stared at. Looking up, he saw Heather and smiled at her, before looking around as if he were scared of getting caught. Ron showed up a few minutes later and gave Heather a once over with his eyes. She had told him she had a date with Justin, but he hadn't really known what to make of it.

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