Year 6 Chapter 3

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Author's Notes: Here's chapter three, sorry for the slight delay!

Harry Potter does not belong to me but to J.K. Rowling

Chapter Three

Heather found staying at the Burrow to be almost as much fun as she remembered from previous years. The afternoon after she arrived their O.W.L. results did too. Hermione had been a nervous wreck opening her envelope, convinced that she had failed every single exam. Heather hadn't done too badly, having secured almost all of the grades needed to continue on her chosen path to being an Auror. As she looked down at the very short letter, her eyes stayed fixed on the small 'E' next to Potions. Snape had clearly stated before that he never accepted students in N.E.W.T. level that hadn't achieved an 'Outstanding" in their O.W.L.

 Heather, Hermione, and Ron spent most of the rest of the day sitting on a nearby hill in the sun, enjoying the beautiful weather. Ginny had tried to join them but it seemed that Mrs. Weasley wasn't keen on being alone with her future daughter-in-law, and kept Ginny close at all times. Hermione finally felt safe enough referring to Heather as "she" and by name, with no one around. Ron was having difficulty remembering, and kept mixing up the names. After an hour Heather finally said, somewhat exasperatedly, "Ron, just call me Harry. It's ok."

"Thanks, mate." Ron replied, turning slightly pink.

"Heather, are you planning on coming out at school as yourself?" asked Hermione.

"No way. I want you, Ron, and Ginny to know, but for right now it's staying that way. The last thing I need is that unnecessary drama in my life. After all, I just got done trying to convince the entire school that I'm not crazy."

"I thought that would be what you'd say." She replied, nodding. She paused and looked at Ron, her face turning a slight pink with embarrassment. "Because, that brings up the potions you said you wanted to start taking."

"What do you mean?" asked Heather

" see, it's not that hard to brew, far easier than Polyjuice Potion, but..." she paused again, as if considering her words very carefully..

"Just spit it out, Hermione" said Heather.

"It's just, Ron-"

"What about me?" Ron cut her off.

Hermione's face went completely red now, "It's just, what these potions will do is very...personal, and I didn't know if you really wanted to hear all those details.

"...oh......OH" said Ron, catching on finally and turning red himself. "Actually yeah, I think you're right, Hermione. I'm going for a walk. Just wave or something when it's safe to come back."

 With that he hurried away from the two girls. Heather almost giggled. "It's almost as if he's scared!" she laughed

"He's a boy. They feel like the less they know about what a girl goes through, the better." Hermione replied, also smiling. After a moment she gave Heather a serious look. "And that reminds me, Heather, up until now you've gotten to enjoy many of the fun parts of being a girl, but if you're serious about becoming one of us there is a lot you need to learn, and not all of it's pleasant."

"I am serious" replied Heather evenly, sobering up.

"All right then," and she pulled a piece of parchment from her pocket that looked like it had been copied from an old textbook. "This potion will permanently transform you into a girl over a period of time. When it's done your body will have completely changed, and almost be as if you had been born a girl."

"So, what does that exactly mean?" Heather asked looking at the parchment. It was more complicated than anything he had ever tried to brew before, and off to the side Hermione had copied what appeared to be a complex chart of amounts and timeframes.

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