Year 3 Chapter 6

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Author's notes: Chapter 6 takes up right after Chapter 5 but covers a lot of territory in the book. Unfortunately, Harry won't have many more chances to be a girl this year due to the events that will happen, but it will set up next year, I hope. I did my best to adhere to the events of the book as best as possible but I might have messed up the order. If you notice any glaring mistakes, please let me know.

As always the ownership of Harry Potter and all its associated copyrights belongs to JK Rowling. As one of my favorite authors said, "It's her sandbox, I'm just playing it in"

Chapter Six

It was around lunchtime the next day that the rest of the school returned. Harry and Hermione found Ron already on his second helping, sitting at the Gryffindor Table. He greeted them loudly, spewing chunks of food from his overloaded mouth. Both waited for him to swallow before they asked him about his Christmas. Harry had heard several horror stories from Ron before about his Great Auntie Muriel, with whom the Weasley's had spent the holiday. By all accounts, it was an experience he was happy to have missed. "She's an old bat, made each of us come over and hug her after we opened what she got us." said Ron while describing Christmas morning. Harry and Hermione let him rant before filling him in on Buckbeak's upcoming trial, for which Ron fervently agreed to help with the preparations.

Walking back up to the common room after lunch, Ron wasn't surprised to see Hermione sit down and start working on school work. This was usual Hermione behavior. What did raise his eyebrows was Harry retrieving his own school bag and beginning to study as well."Blimey, term hasn't even started and you're doing homework?" he exclaimed sitting down next to Harry.Hermione looked at him over her Ancient Runes textbook, "Well, I've got quite a few subjects to study for, it made sense to get a head start and Harry agreed."Ron eyed Harry, who was starting to write an essay for Professor Lupin he'd completely forgotten about in all the excitement of the Christmas Holidays, and continued their conversation from lunch. For the first time in their friendship, Harry was finding being around Ron uncomfortable. He was glad he had the excuse of writing a paper to keep him from having to look Ron directly in the eye. He didn't like keeping secrets from his best friend, but he was terrified of what Ron might say if he ever found out about Harry's new secret. When Harry told him about the Firebolt, Ron's jaw hit the floor so hard Harry wouldn't have been surprised to find it somewhere in the dungeons. Shock and incredulity quickly turned to anger when Harry explained where the broomstick was."What'd you do that for?" he shouted at Harry, drawing the attention of three passing fifth years."There wasn't a note, and Sirius Black could go to any length to get to Harry" Hermione responded coolly, over a thick textbook. Ron turned to her, his face going a deep red, "Black? So, you made him hand over one of the best brooms in the world? How could Black have sent it Hermione? He's on the run. He couldn't just go into Diagon Alley and buy a broomstick!"Harry, who despite his own misgivings on handing over the broom, found himself coming to the defense of Hermione. "Ron, she's right. I didn't want to admit it either when I was looking at it, but it wasn't worth the risk of it being tampered with. Madam Hooch said that if it's safe then I'll get it back and never know they did anything with it." Ron appeared to be mollified by this statement, though he kept sending covert looks at Hermione when she wasn't looking. Harry, sensing that a change in subject was needed, asked how Scabbers was after being at home. Ron told him that he had been fine until it was time to get back on the train, then he had spent the whole time cowering in Ron's shirt. "He's hiding in our dormitory" he told Harry, doing a quick look around for Crookshanks."He isn't down here Ron" said Hermione in a exasperated tone, "He's curled up on my bed""Good. Scabbers finally seemed to be doing better, can we please keep that cat away from him?"Hermione didn't answer but just went back to her studying. That night, with the dormitory full again, Harry felt very anxious. He and Hermione had tried their best to rid the room of the flowery scents but the smell still lingered. Despite their efforts, it was instantly noticed by the other occupants of the room. Seamus asked Harry if he'd gotten a girl up here while they'd been gone, and Dean joined in suggesting names of girls, each more ludicrous than the next. It also didn't help that they noticed the renewed scents after Harry got out of the shower. Giving him strange looks from their beds, he quickly climbed into his own and pulled the curtains of his four-poster shut. He heard muttering and one laugh before the lights went out and everyone went to sleep. The next day was Sunday before term started, and Harry and Hermione spent most of it reading ahead for classes the next day while Ron read through their notes on Hippogriff rights. About halfway through he handed the paper to Harry and pointed at a line about halfway down."Blimey, I knew Hermione was a girl but I didn't think she'd put hearts over her letters" he whispered. Harry's heart skipped a beat when he saw what Ron was pointing at. He'd forgotten that he'd decided to try that out on the fair copy of the notes. He'd only done it a few times before stopping, and he was glad that Ron hadn't realized it had been him. Ron, expecting some reaction, was looking at Harry expectantly."Well, you never know with girls" he said lamely and buried his nose into his Defense Against the Dark Arts book, hiding the redness of his face. Ron sat back and kept reading, but occasionally looked at Harry over the parchment, a puzzled expression on his face. There was renewed joking when Harry emerged from the bathroom smelling like flowers. Working up his nerve, Harry explained that they had been sent to him on accident and it was all he had to use. This did little to assuage the laughter from Seamus and Dean. Neville piped up just then to say that he liked how it smelled. While Harry appreciated the support, this comment led to much laughter. Briefly meeting Ron's eyes before he closed his curtains, Harry saw the same puzzled expression, but Ron didn't say anything. The following morning meant the return to classes and their very busy schedules. Oliver Wood had recovered every bit of his mania for four night a week practices, and Harry, still flying on the Shooting Star until his Firebolt was returned, did his best to keep up. It wasn't easy over the next several weeks to be able to wear his new underwear as much as he wanted, so most of the time it stayed hidden in the bottom of his trunk. As she had during last term, Hermione was constantly busy and even more tired that Harry or Ron. She barely had time to complete her own schoolwork, and had none for any girl time with him. After the third time she briskly turned him down, Harry stopped asking. In an effort to continue the bridge he had built with her over the winter holidays, he tried to do better about studying with her and actually saw improvement in his classes over the following weeks because of it. The rest of the school was quick to pick up on Harry's new smell and look as his hair continued to lie flatter. During a charms lesson, Pavarti Patil and Lavender Brown, who sat behind him, whispered that they thought he smelled very nice. Lavender then went on to say that his hair was very cute laying down like that. Draco Malfoy and his band of Slytherins, never ones to let anything Harry did go uncommented on, loudly catcalled and wolf whistled at him anytime they saw him, with Malfoy calling him a "dandy boy." None of his roommates said anything directly to him about it, including Ron, though Harry did hear Neville telling Seamus one night that he thought the smell an improvement over how their dormitory used to smell.Before anyone realized it, January had given way to February. The third years were noticing a rise in the amount of homework that was being given by all the teachers. Between Quidditch practice and Anti-Dementor lessons with Lupin, Harry had only one night a week for doing homework. Those nights were spent with Hermione, either in the library or the Common Room, working silently through the towering pile. He was finding that being around her was easier and, in many ways, more comfortable than being around Ron. While Hermione was often short and snappish at interruptions, Harry was constantly wondering if Ron would react as well as she did if he found out Harry's secret. Nothing had been said openly about it, almost as if both of them were actively steering any conversation they had away from it. It left their friendship feeling uneasy.The Anti-dementor lessons were going well enough. While Harry felt like he should have accomplished more than a week shield by now, Professor Lupin was constantly reassuring him. "Relax, Harry," Lupin said during their next lesson. Harry had just managed to hold off the dementor for a full minute with a silvery shield before Lupin banished it. "You're doing far better than I would've ever expected of a third year. I've told you this is incredibly complex magic.""I know, sir. But I thought a patronus would drive away a dementor, not just hold it off." Harry said."A full one will," Replied Lupin, handing him some chocolate. "At least you seem to have found a memory that works well for you. Do you mind me asking what it is?"Harry hesitated for a moment. "It's the day I learned that I was a wizard" he lied smoothly. He had used that memory at first, but now was thinking about how he had felt seeing his made-up reflection in the mirror for the first time. "Well, it seems to be working very well for you. I think that'd enough for tonight. I'll see you next week Harry." replied Lupin, dismissing him.There had been no word in all this time about his Firebolt. With the match against Ravenclaw getting closer and closer, the situation was beginning to look grim. After every Transfiguration lesson Harry had been hanging back to ask Professor McGonagall about it."No, Potter. There is still not word. I will let you know when I have anything to say about it." She said tartly after his last attempt.All in all, Harry had little time to think about dressing as a girl. He had become somewhat paranoid about ensuring his truck was locked at all times, and never touched the jumper hiding his stash if he could help it. The only thing towards it he had done was to take out a subscription to Witch Weekly in Hermione's name, which he would read in the privacy of his bed after she smuggled each copy to him. More and more he felt like he was having to keep the peace between Ron and Hermione over their pets, coupled with Ron's lingering resentment towards her over handing over the Firebolt. No matter how many times Harry stated he agreed with the decision, it did nothing to sway Ron's opinion.At last, the week before the Quidditch match arrived and just as he was ready to give up on ever getting his Firebolt back, Professor McGonagall tracked him down outside the Portrait Hole and handed it over. Unable to believe it, he raced back through the entrance to the Common Room, finding Ron sitting at a table playing chess with Fred. The shock on both their faces at the sight of it as Harry swept their game to the side more than made up for any irritation he might hold towards Ron after his recent attitude."She gave it back?" Ron cried, springing from his chair and jumping a little for joy. "Listen, can I get a turn on it?""Sure, but listen, make up with Hermione. The Firebolt is fine, and it was better to be safe than sorry."Ron's grin faded slightly, but he nodded. "Ok, but she needs to admit that her cat has it out for Scabbers."Harry shook his head at him and turned to see where Hermione was. As usual she was almost hidden behind a pile of books and parchment in a far corner. Both of them walked over, Harry holding out the Firebolt for her to see."Professor McGonagall gave it back. Guess it was ok after all" He said, proffering her the broomstick."Oh Harry," she relied, her eyes not quite focusing on him. "That's great, im really glad to hear it.""I'm going to go up and put this in my trunk, but then Ron and I want to talk to you, ok?" he said, looking concernedly down at the pile of books in front of her."Harry, I'll take it upstairs for you. I need to give Scabbers his tonic anyway." Ron cut in, anxious to touch the broomstick more.A small alarm went off in the back of Harry's mind with the thought of Ron going into his trunk, but he quieted it remembering how well things were hidden. He handed over the broom and watched warily as Ron crossed the room and practically skipped up the stairs. He sat down looking closely at Hermione. "Are you ok? You look done in"Despite her utter exhaustion she still managed a small smile, "Harry, you don't ever tell a girl she looks tired, a girl should know that."Harry, who hadn't heard her talk about him as a girl in weeks, smiled and blushed. "Sorry, Hermione""It's ok, you're still new at this. Now, I've really got to get back to this translation.""Hermione, how are you getting to so many classes?" Harry asked"I don't know what you mean Harry" She tried and failed to be casualJust before Harry could respond they heard a muffled cry from upstairs and then Ron emerged from the staircase. Crossing the room in fewer steps than Harry thought possible, he came up to the table holding what looked like the sheet from his bed."LOOK!" he shouted brandishing the sheet at Hermione."What?" she stammeredHarry saw it first, a red stain at one corner, that looks suspiciously like, "BLOOD!" Ron yelled, even louder, "Scabbers is missing and there's blood on my sheets!"Then he threw down something on the table in front of Hermione,"And those were right next to my bed.No one spoke as Hermione looked at what Ron had thrown down. Three ginger cat hairs laid there on the table.

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