ابدأ من البداية

  Kie gets up, "You lost me."

  "Yeah, babe. Let's kill everyone on ship. Smart!" I'm acting like I don't have a plan to kill someone. "No, babe. I'm serious—"

  "I know you are, JJ. That's the worst part!" I tilt my head at him and smack my hands against my thighs. "If we get to the armory, I'm talking AKs, pistols, knives, double-barrels—" JJ just continues on. I hold my head in my hands. My hair is sticking to every part of my head right now, stuck down by sweat.

  "Guys," I hear Kie but the boys and Bailey keep arguing. "Guys," She says again. What a bunch of dumbasses. "Losers!" I yell with my small bit of energy and point at Kie. She tilts her head towards something, so I get up to see what she's gesturing to.

     I push past the boys and spot the window shining the small slither of sun on us. "We can fit through that, yeah?"

  "I'd rather not, but what choice do we have?" I shrug and glance at Kie. "Hell yeah. Nice one, Kie," JB praises her. "What was that about a swiss army knife not coming in handy?" JJ holds up his small knife. "Just stop it," John B tells him.

  I really don't want to be the first out of this window. Bailey pushes JJ and he starts to get the window open with his knife. Long exhales come out of my nose. My hands run up and down my arms—shit, my hoodie. It was covering the gun. I run back quickly and grab the hoodie, covering the gun again. "Sam, you're gonna overheat," Kie tells me. I shake my head, "No, no. I'm fine."

   JJ finally gets the small window open, "Okay, raid the armory, get weapons, roll back here, and plot the next move. The armory is on the third deck, aft, near the laundry room. Let's roll."

  I sigh. "JJ, hold up. I don't think we should go out there. It's too risky." Is Pope right? Yes. Would I rather be out of this damn crate? Yes.

  "Why?" JJ asks. "I gotta be honest, I think you should stay here. Sam as well," John B points to JJ and I. I'm taken back slightly, "What?" We both ask at the same time. "I have Sarah that I'm gonna go after. And Pope has..."

  "The cross!"

  "Okay, so why don't we all go get it?" I raise my voice. "Also, if you two go out there, there's 100% probability that you're gonna do something stupid!" I scoff at John B. "Okay, first of all, I think the correct terminology is 'ballsy'. That is it!" JJ replies.

     Pope starts to tug JJ down but he swats him away. "I wanna leave this fucking crate!" I whine like a child. "It's safer if you two stay here, Sam!" Kie tells me. "This is bullshit, guys!" I curse and slump against the boxes behind me. "Would you two shush? If you two go out there, and we get in a bind, we need somebody to look out for us. That's what we need," John B whispers. I roll my eyes and huff. "Okay. I get it. I get it. We will be on B team, right, babe?"

   I throw my hands up, "Fine. Fine. Not like I have a fucking choice!" I stomp away as the rest of them argue. I'm not even mad that they think we'll do something stupid. I'm mad that I'm stuck in here and not fighting Rafe. Or killing him. I sulk back into my corner and JJ walks over to me, Kie behind him. "You letting Bailey get out there and not us? She's as reckless as us!" I yell. "No, no. She isn't. It's just me and you guys. Babysitting," She groans.

  "You chose to stay here, Kie. I'm the one that knows this ship and where the armory is yet, I'm stuck here. in the hot ass crate!" JJ scoffs. I wipe sweat from my forehead and throw my head back,"I have a panic attack, it's on you, Kie."

"I've literally helped you through your panic attacks, Sam—"

   "Oh, congrats! You want a gold star, Kie?" I lean forward, elbows pressed into my knees. "Yes, actually, I'd love—"

FUMES [2], jj maybankحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن