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JOHN B WAS TAKEN to the hospital last night with only a concussion and a broken wrist

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JOHN B WAS TAKEN to the hospital last night with only a concussion and a broken wrist. Sarah called me earlier to tell me John B is okay and I finally feel like I can breathe.

JJ and I are sitting in my kitchen and he's going on about how the Kooks keep jumping us and how pussy it is of them. "It's such pussy shit, babe. Rafe would never be able to beat me up alone."

"I am fully aware of that JJ but you didn't need to bring a gun to the movie night." I finally bring up the thing that's been in the back of my head. JJ closes the fridge and turns to look at me, "How'd you know?" So, he's not even denying it. "I saw it when Rafe threw me to the ground."

JJ leans against the counter and sighs loudly, "I wish I had it in my hands when he threw you. I have that thing to protect you and the others—"

"I don't like guns, JJ. Weston had one and used to threaten us with it," I wince at the memories.

The many times Weston was drunk or high and would wave his pistol around at my family flashes through my mind. He even shot it one time and police were called. That's when it got taken away. "I completely understand but the Kooks are always on our asses—"

"The square groupers are dead, JJ. You don't need a fucking gun. At this point it's just for fun and to look cool."

"That is not true! It's beneficial for us!" JJ throws his hands in the air. "No, I no longer want that thing with us. You already got trigger happy at the party," I take a bite of my pancakes and JJ just stares at me. "What?" I shrug.

"I saved John B's life that night! I wasn't trigger happy, I was making a statement!" JJ corrects me.

"A fucking dangerous one, JJ. Now, let's go. We have to meet the others at The Wreck," I walk around JJ, trying to avoid a full blown argument. Throwing my dish in the sink and grabbing my shoes as JJ follows me around my house. 

  "Is your girlfriend gonna be there?" Girlfriend?

"Piper? Are you jealous of Piper? You haven't even told me why you don't like her," I open the door and wait for JJ to come out before locking it behind us. "She's just a bitch," JJ insults her.

"Give me an example of how she's a bitch," I put my hands on my hips and stare, waiting for an answer. He stutters for a bit before speaking, "In 9th grade, we had a group project together and she didn't do shit. She also used to cause problems with one of my cousins before she graduated."

"JJ, you don't do shit for projects. Let's just go. Leave Piper alone."

"Why don't you believe me?" He grabs my shoulder and spins me around. I huff, "Because both cases of her being a bitch are irrelevant to me. You can not like her but don't shit talk her in front of me like everyone does with Sarah. I'm sick of it."

FUMES [2], jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now