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  "RAFE CAMERON INVITED ME out tonight."

   I look up at Piper. You see, after I walked into this girl's house who I barely know still and had a breakdown, she asked what my favorite movie is and put it on. Nothing weird. I appreciate the comfort and new friend.

"I don't suggest goin'," I say with a disapproving nod.

"Is Rafe like, criminally insane?" She asks it as a joke but the correct answer is yes. He's a maniac and the fucking coke is not helping like he thinks. "Yes, stay away from him," I divert my attention back to the movie and hope she'll listen to me. "It's funny, I thought he liked you. He was staring at you so hard at Midsummers—"

"He doesn't. He hates me and I hate him."

  "Were you—ever friends? It's just weird he stared at you for so long then," Piper shifts next to me. I hope my anger towards Rafe didn't make her uncomfortable.

   "Well, I've known the Cameron's since I was kid so I was at some point close with Rafe but shit happens. Sarah is better anyway," I look up and smile at the brunette who returns it. I have to leave at some point to help Pope and Kie with the shit to get the gold. I couldn't tell Piper the whole story of course. Why the argument started in the first place. Why he had this guilt for not protecting me. What he said about Piper.

   I just told her an argument broke out and JJ said I deserved better, and left me on a dirt road alone. When I told her, I could tell she was angry. She was frowning and her grip on her coffee cup was almost enough to shatter it.

"Why—why do you hate each other?" She's hesitant to ask but still does. I sigh, "People change. They let the shit that happened to them turn into a bad person."

There's a pause.

"How bad is Rafe?" Piper nervously asks. I think for a second. Sometimes I miss younger Rafe and how I felt safe with him and his family in general. I still remember Wheezie as a kindergartner. That's how long I've known Rafe. "He's the worst. He won't get any better. Stay away."

  I spread my fingers out in front of me and when I do, my eyes attach to that fucking skull ring. I should be sobbing, puking, fucking losing my mind but a part of me is hopeful that he didn't just leave me like that over insecurities and lack of communication. Two things we've discussed over and over again.

  My phone bings but none of the notifications are exciting. They're just a constant reminder that the one I love the most hasn't bothered to contact me.

  The ending credits of the movie roll and I force myself out of Piper's comfy bed. I take in her room for the first time.

   It's just very—Piper. Photos of her and her friends, a couple honor rolls and of course, posters of artists or shows. The teal painted walls add color to the dark furniture. There's random nicknacks everywhere as well. A wooden frog figure is what catches my eye and makes me smile.

FUMES [2], jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now