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  I DIDN'T GET ANY  sleep as I was too scared of getting caught

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  I DIDN'T GET ANY  sleep as I was too scared of getting caught. My mom keeps calling and texting me along with the rest of my family and friends. "Blake offered that we could hide out at his place. They'd never guess. Why can't we just go—"

  "No, no. Absolutely not," JJ immediately shuts it down. I huff at JJ. We hid out under what seems to be an abandoned shed all night. Countless cars fly past us and JJ checks each time. The local radio starts talking about Sheriff Peterkin and Kie quickly turns it off. "Let's game this out. Maybe you guys can help, being the smart ones and all, but....who are the cops going to believe? Ward Cameron or us?" JJ asks knowing damn well what the answer is. "Well, the accuser is a rich white guy who owns half the island and the accused is a poor kid that causes the usual trouble around the island is now, is basically a homeless 16 year old boy," I add and turn my head to smile at John B. "Thanks," he sarcastically says.

  "Okay, Yucatán, alright? I'm saying that's the only option. What other option do we have?" I roll my eyes and put my arms over my head. "Enough with the Mexico bullshit. Sarah is gonna bail me out," John B sounds hopeful for the first time all day. "She did witness the whole thing," Kie says. "Thank you."

  "And she's gonna snitch on her brother?" Pope questions.

  "Yes, Sarah doesn't like Rafe—"

  "Not happening, bro. Okay?" JJ interrupts me, causing me to glare at him, "We've gotta get you off the island."

  "The ferry, that's the only way," Pope says. "Exit the stage while you can, bro," I say while trying to make myself comfortable. More cops fly by and we get down again. "Sarah isn't a Pogue, guys," John B and I glance at each other and frown. I know she's technically not but after everything she's done for us? Really? "Yeah, you can't stay here, man."

  "Sarah is a Pogue. She has done so much for us—"

  "Her dad killed Big John!" JJ shouts. I hear John B quietly say his name but I fight back tears as I shout back at JJ, "My dad also killed him! Am I not a Pogue to you?" I stare and scan over JJ's face as he realizes what he said. "That's—I didn't—"

  "You're caught, JJ. Just keep your mouth shut and apologize," Pope says from the front seat. My body is shaking again from how angry and upset I am at JJ. His jaw drops, "I'm sorry," He goes to reach for my face but I turn away and face John B who has a sympathetic look on his face towards me which makes me feel bad because he shouldn't be feeling bad for me right now. He's gonna need a lot of therapy.

   My phone buzzes making everyone shout as if someone could hear my phone from the street. "Turn it off!" Pope shouts at me. I see the caller ID and groan loudly when Blake's name flashes on the screen, "Shut—shut the fuck up!" I yell. They all quiet down and I answer the phone. "Blake?"

"Where are you? All your answers have been so vague and we checked The Chateau and it's on lock down—"

  "Do you think John B did it?" I just ask bluntly. The others shake their heads and John B tries to grab my phone but I lightly kick him and he stops.

FUMES [2], jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now