Where Flowers Scatter

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It was cold that morning and the eye of the sun was unopened. Yet here they were, bidding farewells. Gathered together one last time.

Perhaps the others would have the chance to see Yujin and Susato again, but Barok held no hope for himself. His work would keep him bound to London with little chance for such a long and expansive voyage across the sea. Too many days would be required even for the smallest of visits. He thought distantly of the story Susato had told him beneath the gazebo, under brisk wind and gentle snow, right before that tender kiss that dragged him down into a warm melancholy and a sorrowful acceptance. That kiss had been little more than an outpouring of all that could not be. A goodbye fraught with the love he dared not name to her in words.

Regardless of that embrace, he had to hold onto what he had said. He knew he was right. The widening of the milky way or the shrinking of the sea held no bearing. The lovers were best kept apart if they could not truly be bound together. If all they would ever have would be one fleeting visit, it was best they never see each other again. They could write as friends, peering into each other's health, but nothing more. He would force himself not to ever say those words, so nothing would hold them back from letting go of one another and having the children they both desired so greatly.

Can you really just stop yourself from feeling this way? Iris had asked him that back when he first confessed to her that he loved Susato. He had not been able to suppress his feelings despite his assertions that he needed to. In fact, they had only grown stronger, the love more tender each day, with each glimpse of her, each passing moment in her presence, or even just hearing her name. His heart was enflamed for her alone. But that increase of love also filled him with a greater yearning for her happiness and a quiet, resolute acceptance of her chosen path. Her happiness would not be with him.

God give me the strength for this.

They were collected together at the harbour. Iris stood between Barok and her mother, holding both of their hands. Klint stood behind Iris, his hands on her shoulders. Lady Baskerville's face was already stained with tears. She kept peering over at Barok, her expression uncharacteristically morose. Sholmes was beside her and markedly silent. Maria and Courtney Sithe were there as well. Courtney placed her hand on Maria's head while the young woman stared forward with a blank solemnity. Gregson and Gina were next to them. Gina was strangling her cap with her hands, her shoulders already shaking as Genshin, Kazuma, and Ryunosuke helped the Mikotobas move their bags towards the boat, where the crewmen were loading everything up with swift ease. It was silent. But every once and a while, as the bracing wind pushed over them, a syllable of Japanese would float back towards Barok, beyond comprehension, but downcast in its melody.

"I don't want them to leave," Iris quavered and peered up at Barok pleadingly.

He met her eyes, his mouth a grim line. Then lifted his gaze away from her. Squinted toward the dark lid of the horizon, which was starting to twitch open. He could see the movements of the crew and other passengers as they boarded, but they were unfocussed, more mist than real in his sight.

Ryunosuke moved away from his compatriots, head lowered. He stopped between the van Zieks family and Gina. His brow was creased, his lips drawn in a deep frown. He let out a long breath and stared off to the side, his averted gaze affixed to nothing. It was painful, seeing him carry such an aspect. Normally he was such a bright and vivid man, full of optimism and smiles. His state drove the reality of the situation home sharply. Not even the liminal quality of the hour could hold them in any realm of surreality, not with mournful faces like these.

"I suppose...we should make our goodbyes. It won't be long now before we're expected on board," Yujin said, his voice quiet and thin.

Susato nodded, her gaze cast towards the ground.

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