General Politeness

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The following weekend, Barok found himself at the manor of Lord John Penhale, cousin to Lady Helen, in attendance of an opulent banquet. Klint and Lady Baskerville were with him, but Iris had remained behind, in the care of Genshin. She was eager to play with Wagahai again, after all.

"Would that I could have remained with Iris," Klint grumbled as they approached their host.

"Hush you," Lady Baskerville whispered. "You must be nice for Barok's sake."

"How marvellous! The intrepid van Zieks family has graced us with their presence!" Lord Penhale exclaimed as the three of them entered. He bowed to them all in turn with immense eagerness.

Once the proper greetings had been exchanged, Lord Penhale turned on Barok, his eyes shining. "To think! The very family that rescued ours could soon be tied to us inextricably, ushering in a new generation! It is no small gladness to hear you are considering becoming the guardian of our family to the point of propagating our humble little bloodline!"

Barok stared at him, an incredible awkwardness mounting up within, even as he kept his features carefully impassive.

"Lady Helen is such a dear cousin and you and your family are such dear people! It is a match I think even the Queen would weep to see fulfilled," Lord Penhale continued.

"Where is the dear Lady Helen? We would much like to greet her," Lady Baskerville said, cutting in quickly the moment Lord Penhale finally paused to draw in a breath.

"She will be right with us in a moment, I am sure. May I update you all on how very, very well we are faring? Ever since you most generously gave us that share of your pinery we have truly flourished. It's all thanks to that most glorious fruit, the pineapple, and your most magnanimous kindness! I begged and begged my dear daughter, Lady Charlotte—as you well know—to name her darling—even if illegitimately sired—son after either our patron Lord Klint or our benefactor Lord Barok but alas, she would not be swayed. The next child will bear such a name, we hope. She is now married you know! To a man who does not care that she had such an indiscretion."

Barok quickly darted a glance to the side and noticed Lady Helen moving towards them. She looked as though she had just stepped out of a painting's gilded frame, such was her affectation of perfection. She floated forward with graceful steps, the train on her dress following after like a ribbon of silken air.

"Yes, indeed, one would say he even loves the boy greatly. A marvellous man, truly! A boon to our family line. Not as grand as a boon you would be, of course, Lord Barok van Zieks. Far greater than we deserve, I am sure," Lord Penhale said with a little half-bow.

"On that, I do agree," Klint muttered.

Lady Baskerville elbowed him soundly yet discreetly in the ribs.

It was clear Lord Penhale had not heard Klint nor seen this action, for his smile never wavered, and neither did his voice. And then he turned with a vocal gasp of breath—due to the aforementioned rambling—and gently took hold of Lady Helen's hand as she glided to his side.

"There you are, dear cousin! Our guests of honour have arrived!" he said.

Lady Helen's eyes were bright and full of affection as they turned upon Barok. She smiled in an honest way, which showed off her perfect teeth and her perfectly red lips. Then she curtsied to the family. "I am so very glad that you all could join my family this evening," she said.

"We are very glad as well! Aren't we?" Lady Baskerville said, absolutely beaming.

"Yes," Klint said emotionlessly.

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