Close to the Sky

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The days passed without further incident, although perhaps far too quickly. The weather shivered with precipitation as temperatures rolled towards a brisk chill. October drew up, then spun away like a leaf in the wind, tumbling towards the final days of the month. And with its imminent end came the start of the Great Exhibition.

Hyde Park teemed with crowds. People of all classes and even visitors from other nations were roving through the sprawling event space. In the middle of it all, the aptly-named crystal tower sprouted up towards the sky, glistening in the light that broke through the clouds. It was an exceedingly bright day, which likely contributed to just how thick the crowds were. Barok kept a careful eye on Iris, even as she rode upon Klint's shoulders, Lady Baskerville's arm looped through Klint's. The family moved together cautiously, gazing at the sights around them with evident awe.

They had arrived in a rather large group of their own, meeting a couple of blocks away and walking to the park entrance to avoid the thrumming hubbub of motion at the gates. Barok and his family had met with Gregson and Gina, Yujin and Maria, Genshin and Kazuma, Ryunosuke and Susato, and even Herlock Sholmes. They carved their way into the thick of the throngs together.

The crowd surged and swelled and Barok felt unfamiliar bodies press briefly into him, much to his chagrin. He looked towards Susato. Her eyes were bright, roaming across the space avidly, but a frown touched her lips every now and then. He could only imagine how hard it was for a woman of her stature to see above the heads in front of them, even though Barok, himself, had a rather clear view, due to his uncommon height.

Someone bumped into Susato, tugging her away from Genshin's arm. As she stumbled, Barok moved to take gentle hold of her shoulders. She looked up at his face then away. He offered his arm. She accepted and was soon crushed to his side. His breath thinned in his throat, turned hot and thick. But he was grateful for the feeling of her presence so close to him all the same.

Their first order of business was to make it to the science stage in time to see Albert Harebrayne's demonstration. It had been ten years since Barok had last visited his old friend from university, even though he did receive letters on occasion (which always bore the scent of some kind of bizarre chemical or other). He was excited to see how his friend was getting on with his own eyes, and to meet with him afterwards and proffer introductions.

Finally, Barok and Susato broke away from the thickest band of the crowds and gathered up by the stage with its raised platform. Barok spotted Klint, Iris, and Lady Baskerville, and guided Susato towards them. Then watched the crowds. Ryunosuke surged free with Sholmes at his side, his eyes wide. Gregson and Gina appeared a moment later. And then Yujin, Maria, Genshin, and Kazuma joined them.

"So many people. More than I've ever seen in one place," Maria said. "I wonder if mama's Symposium will have as many."

"It really is overwhelming, isn't it? But we made it here at last!" Ryunosuke said, sweat sheeting his brow.

"Yes, we did," Maria said, moving close to Ryunosuke. He appeared to break out into a fresh wave of sweat, despite that his previous wave had not ended.

"A mere mention of my name and the crowds would part in an instant," Sholmes declared.

"Would they not simply swarm you instead. Since you are so highly revered," Barok said flatly.

Iris—still perched atop her father's shoulders—turned her head and fixed Barok with a pronounced pout.

"That is a grave danger, I am afraid," Sholmes said smoothly.

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