Redressing the Wound

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Iris's birthday was a special affair. The most important day in June for Barok and the rest of the van Zieks family.

As they did every year, the family hosted a special meal, in which Iris chose the menu, and all of their closest friends came to visit for a long day of fellowship. Iris made handmade invitations that she delivered in person a few days prior to the celebration, and Barok left exacting instructions for how the manor should be decorated while he was occupied with work. As always, he ensured he had no business to attend to on the day of the actual celebration.

Sharply at 4p.m., all of their friends began to arrive. Iris was in a brand new dress and greeted everyone with immense excitement.

"I thought trifle would be perfect for dessert! It has a bit of everything in it," Iris said.

"What a marvellous choice!" Lord Knightley said.

This year, the Knightleys brought Eveline with them. She and Barok exchanged amicable greetings. Then the family handed Iris a big basket full of pears and pretty blossoms.

"I would very much like to draw a special portrait of the birthday Lady," Eveline said brightly.

"Oh yes! That sounds lovely! Your art is so splendid, Lady Leenie!" Iris said, clasping her hands together and beaming.

"As soon as you greet all of your guests, little petal," Lady Baskerville said.

"Mhm! I know!" Iris said, visibly struggling to contain her excitement.

Gregson and Gina arrived next. Gina brought her puppy with her and Iris's face filled with delight as she hugged the wriggling little miscreant close. Barok smiled. It was nice seeing a dog in their home again. He glanced quickly at Klint. Klint gave a subtle shake of his head. Even so, Klint could not conceal the avid joy that leapt into his face as he watched Iris giggle when the puppy licked her cheek. Gregson gave Iris a little pocket watch, which he said was a gift from everyone down at the Yard for writing all of her detective stories. Iris was simply aglow with happiness.

And then Genshin arrived. Kazuma entered at his side, Ryunosuke and Susato a step behind. Barok felt the breath go out of him as he saw her. He had not glimpsed Susato since that wretched moment outside their library. She smiled gently as Iris ran over and began to hug all of them. Yet something in Susato's smile seemed forlorn and a shadow lingered in her eyes.

Susato crossed towards Lady Baskerville and spoke to her quietly. Lady Baskerville nodded. She ushered Susato away to a distant settee and sat down beside her. Lady Baskerville motioned to Klint and soon he joined them as well. Barok politely averted his eyes as the three began to consult with one another in whispers. But he could not stop his heart from lurching in Susato's direction.

"Would you play my favourite song, Uncle Barry?" Iris said, tugging him from his dejected musings.

Barok nodded, relieved by the distraction, and took up the bench at the harpsichord. Its bright, stately sound filled the drawing room, lazing beneath the shade of conversation.

After he had played a few songs, Barok prepared to quit the bench. Surely it had been an hour since the celebration had started by now. That meant Yujin had to be on his way.

Just as Barok was about to stand, he became aware of a presence beside him. He turned his head. Susato bowed. Barok startled and jerked to his feet so quickly his knee struck the underside of the keyboard, eliciting a wounded sound from the instrument. People glanced over at him. Barok felt heat enter his face. He cleared his throat then moved away from the bench and returned Susato's bow.

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