A Night at the Opera

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The night of the opera arrived. Barok and Eveline had been forced to ride in a carriage together, but once they made it to the theatre, she rushed to Kazuma and Ryunosuke and immediately struck up conversation with them. It was clear she was trying to ignore her father, who was signalling as discretely as he could to her, motioning for her to stay near Barok.

Since the opera was being performed at the theatre the van Zieks family most liked to attend, they would all take up seats in the family's opera box. As everyone filed in, Eveline grasped Susato's arm with the pretense of speaking with her, and then sat down one seat away from Barok, elegantly shoving herself into the space Kazuma was about to take up, forcing him to sit next to her. And forcing Susato to sit between Barok and Eveline.

"...Lord van Zieks? Should I switch seats with Lady Eveline?" Susato whispered, touching her face with evident concern.

"...No. This arrangement is adequate," Barok said. Even though he could feel both Klint and Lord Knightley darting perturbed looks in his direction.

The lights dimmed and the show began. During much of it, Barok could hear Kazuma and Eveline whispering to one another. And he, himself, was whispering to Susato. Explaining the story, answering her questions, sharing his opera glasses with her. Each time she leaned towards him, his heart jolted into a higher pace. The scent of florals and soap would wash over him, and once he even thought he felt her hair brush faintly against the edge of his jaw as he angled down to speak to her.

When intermission fell upon the theatre, everyone drifted to the lobby for drinks and conversation.

Eveline was speaking with Kazuma, Ryunosuke, and Genshin. Iris, Lady Baskerville, and Lady Knightley stood with them as well, smiling and diving in with comments whenever the opportunity sprang up. Klint and Lord Knightley stood a few paces away, casting uncertain glances towards Eveline and apologetic faces towards Barok.

Barok glanced away from them and looked at Susato. She stared forward, a light smile on her face. He followed her silently as she moved towards their friends.

"Being here, I can't help but think about that ballerina you met on the Burya," Ryunosuke said. "She seemed so sad, but also really determined."

Kazuma smiled. "Who would have thought my distaste for chicken would have led to meeting her. And that kitten of hers."

"Little Darka," Susato said with clear fondness. "Such a cute little kitty. And with the sweetest little bell collar!"

"It was a surprising turn of events. It was nice she trusted you with the truth," Genshin said.

"You made a very good impression on her Kazuma-sama! To convince her to speak with Genshin-sama as well," Susato said.

"Yes! I imagine she's been in America for some time now, surely?" Ryunosuke mused aloud.

"You met a runaway dancer on your way here!?" Iris gasped.

"I can't believe you are just telling us this story now! You said nothing interesting happened!" Lady Baskerville said, throwing a glare at Genshin.

"Nothing worth mentioning, I had said. I apologise for being incorrect about my assessment," Genshin said.

Lady Baskerville let out a dramatic sigh.

"It's hardly any surprise she felt safe around you," Eveline said, smiling at Kazuma. "You do have a very kind and trustworthy disposition."

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