The Nature of Compassion

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Barok nodded to the bailiff as he exited the courtroom and stepped into the defendant's antechamber. It was a bit unconventional for the prosecution to enter this space, but he was eager to greet his friends now that the trial was concluded.

Kazuma, Susato, and Ryunosuke were all speaking with Soseki Natsume, while Genshin and Iris observed. Iris was giggling to herself as Soseki spoke about something, his voice rising from his lips in a quick yet halting stream, punctuated with a series of poses.

Barok quietly advanced towards them. Genshin noticed him and bowed, but the others seemed too involved in conversing to detect his presence.

"I cannot thank you enough Law Student Kazuma Asogi Esquire! You were brilliant! Blissfully bodacious battler of brilliance!" Soseki exclaimed.

Kazuma smiled, but he lifted one brow at the same time. "Thank you. It was a pleasure to fight on your behalf. I have to admit, it was a hard-fought battle."

"Yes, yes, yes it was! But you proved my innocence! You soundly defeated that pitilessly pompous pugnacious prosecutor!" Soseki declared.

Susato gasped.

"...I was not aware I came across as a man who lacks pity for others. Pray forgive the discourtesy if my stern demeanour offends," Barok said.

"AHHHH!" Soseki screeched.

Ryunosuke and Susato both startled.

Kazuma turned his head to look at Barok and gave him a small shrug and a smile. "How nice of you to visit us, Lord van Zieks," he said.

Soseki trembled. "No! You can't drag me to the gallows. I'm INNOCENT!"

"...Yes. Mr. Asogi proved that today. I merely came to congratulate you on your freedom, and the defense on their success," Barok said.


Barok stared at him. "...I beg your pardon?"

"AHHH! Those cold eyes! Eyes should never be such a shade of blue. They are drilling into me LIKE ICE!" Soseki said.

"...Is my stare truly so frigid?" Barok said.

"Oh, no! Of course not! It's do have a very piercing stare. And you are very tall and imposing," Ryunosuke said.

"Not to mention you were trying to prove Mr. Natsume guilty of attempted murder," Kazuma said.

"My eyes are blue too. You don't find me scary, do you?" Iris said, pouting.

"No! Little girl you are very pleasant, indeed! Your eyes are warm like when the sun strikes the ocean," Soseki said.

"Aww! That's so sweet!" Iris said, clasping her hands together and beaming.

"Why have you come to drag me away, Lord Prosecutor?" Soseki said, still shaking.

"I assure you, that is not my intention," Barok said.

"Oh dear. Perhaps I should go sign these release papers. Rest assured, Mr. Natsume, you will be free to go home very soon," Susato said.

"How can you be so calm, Judicial Assistant Susato Mikotoba Esquiress? When you are facing directly this...fatally forbidding and flamboyant facinorousness!?"

There was that word again. Forbidding. Although calling him facinorous was, admittedly, a much greater offense. Barok did not feel offended, however. Only baffled and rather taken aback.

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