The Picture of Happiness

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The moment Barok stepped through the front door of the van Zieks manor, he was greeted by the voice of his niece.

"Uncle Barry! Uncle Barry!"

Iris raced towards him with a brilliant smile on her face, a blur of pink hair and bright blue eyes. Barok knelt down as she hurtled into his arms and hugged her close.

"I'm so glad you're finally home!"

"I am overjoyed to be home as well," Barok said softly. He stood as Iris stepped away from their embrace and smiled up at him beatifically. "However, I do believe the hour is quite late. Your mother will admonish your father most horribly if I keep you in my company when you are meant to be sleeping."

Iris pouted. "It's not time for me to go to bed yet, Uncle Barry! just got home. I waited so long for you to return so we could read more of that book together..."

Barok let out a long-suffering sigh and crossed his arms over his chest. "You have no care for the wrath that will rain down upon your father."

"Oh, Mommy and Daddy don't mind that I'm still awake at all! They already said I could wait until you read me a chapter or two," Iris said, clasping her hands together and beaming.

"I find it hard to believe that they said you could be awake for more than a single chapter. Lies do not become you, Lady Iris," Barok said severely.

Iris giggled. "Fine! Just one. But Mommy and Daddy are still in the drawing room. So we can have tea together first! I did make a new blend today."

Barok smiled. "Then I thank you for waiting to share this tea with me."

"Daddy may have finished the pot. We have to hurry!" Iris said. With her tiny hand, she clutched at Barok's much bigger wrist and started to tug at him ineffectually as she moved forward.

Barok played along that she was actually capable of dragging him anywhere, and followed her into the drawing room.

"The Director of Prosecutions has decided to return to his family at long last," Klint said as they entered, without rising from his chair or looking away from his book. He was seated before the hearth. Lady Baskerville was beside him in her favourite armchair, embroidering a handkerchief.

"It's such a shame he has come home so late. After all, I do believe the tea is finished," Lady Baskerville said.

"Oh no!" Iris gasped.

"A cruel fate," Klint said.

Lady Baskerville jabbed him lightly with her needle. He let out a small cry and startled in his chair. When he turned his head, she smiled at him dangerously. "A cruel fate designed entirely by his gluttonous brother."

"I love my daughter's tea. Is that truly a crime?" Klint said.

"Look at her disappointment and tell me that it is not," Lady Baskerville said.

Klint sighed.

Iris giggled. "It's alright, Daddy! This just means I have to make another pot!"

"Iris van Zieks. It is nearly time for you to wash up for bed," Lady Baskerville said.

"But I really want Uncle Barry to try my special blend..." Iris said, pouting. "It's not my fault that Daddy has such poor self-control."

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